CH. 34

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You finally walked up to (y/s) after they called you over, pointing out the donuts they and Jack chose. The lady behind the counter was still giving your sibling strange looks as they spoke to Jack, you couldn't help but silently giggle at how weird the situation must look from her perspective. Then again children do have wild imaginations so it's probably not that big of a deal on either ends.

As she packed up the donuts (y/s) grabbed onto the end of your shirt, for some reason that caused a chain reaction as Jack soon followed, doing the same thing. You gave him a nasty side eye the second you noticed no one was looking, causing him to stick his tongue out at you in a rather mocking manner.

To say you were surprised was an understatement, you weren't exactly expecting his tongue to be stripped black and white but oh well, that's by far the least unusual characteristic of this stupidly tall paranormal clown.

The lady suddenly spoke up, diverting your attention from Jack's freaky and unnatural tongue back to her. "Will that be all?" She hummed in that sickly sweet customer service tone they always have. You nodded, confirming her question before turning to fish your wallet out of your pocket as she told you the price.

(y/s) picked up the donut box and held it tightly as you paid. You exchanged small goodbyes with the woman behind the counter before motioning for (y/s) to follow you out.

"Hey, when do you think mama is coming home today? I want to show her the donuts I picked out for her!" They said as they skipped beside you. You frowned slightly as you turned to stare at the pavement of the sidewalk you were walking on. "Not sure champ, hopefully there won't be any emergencies at work." You shrugged, glancing back at them.

The rest of the walk was spent with small mindless chatter, (y/s) told you all about the school trip, the positive stuff at least. Soon enough you reached your house again, this time you trailed carefully behind them, making sure to be ready to catch them if they slipped on the frozen, ice covered steps again.

Fortunately they didn't, as soon as your body hit the couch's soft cushions you realized how horribly exhausted you were. Needing to constantly entertain Jack, having to babysit your sibling almost full time, focusing on getting a proper job AND having to deal with the shitty lady from school sure wore you out a bunch.

Your eyes slowly close as your body becomes limp, you felt something warm and decently heavy was being draped over you yet you paid it no mind as you fell into unconsciousness.



Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now