Ch.4. - creepy ass kids

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A sigh left your mouth again once you realized the pain on your finger was easing. You took the box to walk out of the room with the box to deliver the news that the box was empty and practically useless.

"Heyyyyy (y/s), so the box is actually empty, there was no jack." You nervously rub the back of your neck, obviously nervous about their reaction. "That's okay! I can put the bracelets I make into it so I won't lose them anymore!!" They happily run up to you to snatch the box up with their small hands.

"Oh- Well alright, i'll be downstairs, what do you want to eat? Mom said we can order takeout but I just remembered they are closed on Fridays." You shrug as (y/s) ponder on the question.

"Can we have that one dish Eliot taught you to cook? What was it again, something with rice and meat and a bunch of other things... It was sooooo good!" They finally make up their mind and you nod in agreement.

Last time you saw Eliot in person was when you went to visit him, he forced you to go out into a restaurant to try some foods you've never heard of, some were slightly different versions of what you had here but still very delicious.

Making your way downstairs you start to try and remember the process. "Okayyy how do i make risotto again.." You clap your hands together and stand in the middle of the kitchen in awkward silence.

As you finally figured out the recipe and started cooking you were sometimes interrupted by the feeling that someone else was in the house with you, you shook it off as (y/s) just being themselves again... creepy ass kids. 


Im already running out of plot points UH OH..... Any recommendations pookie bears?

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now