CH. 29.

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"Oh my, there you were! I looked for so long, I was worried." He said with a relieved breath of air, sitting on the bathroom floor with you still in his grasp, his arms practically wrapped around you in a protective hold as he laid his chin onto the crown of your head.

"Worried? why tho it's just hide and seek.." You barely wheezed out as you were practically being crushed in his grasp. As he realized that he finally set you back down, yet his arms stayed in position, resting comfortably around your waist.

"Oh- well i guess i got so used to finding children right away i forgot you actually have a brain and could think of hiding spots better!" He chuckled, you weren't sure if you should take that as a compliment or an insult but hey whatever, you were not in the mood to argue.

"I guess that makes sense, last time i played hide and seek with (y/s) they put a pot over their head and sat in a corner thinking i couldn't see them." You smiled at the rather stupid, yet fond memory of your sibling.

Your rather calm setting was interrupted by a buzz of your phone as you turned your attention away from Jack to check who texted you. As you smiled at your phone and typed away you failed to notice his sour expression.

"Alright enough of that-" His gruff voice caught your attention again. "Give it" He said before snatching your phone from your grasp, causing you to let out an involuntary gasp of surprise.

"Hey! What the fuck!" You said, immediately trying to snatch your phone back from his grubby hands. Yet all of it was for nothing as each attempt you made failed, causing you to tire out surprisingly quickly.

"Come on man, give it back" You said breathlessly, having to slightly hunch over and take a few careful deep breaths.

"Nuh uh! Youre playing with me right now." He huffed and puffed like a big child, standing back up so you now had 0 chance of getting that phone of yours back.

Fortunately for you he slammed his head against the ceiling so at least you got a little giggle out of the whole situation. "Don't laugh at me!" He groaned, folding back down into a crouching position.

"Waaah wahh, cry about it." You mocked him, clutching the edge of the sink with one of your hands to support yourself as you laughed your ass off. What you didn't expect is for you to look up and see he was actually tearing up.

"I said don't laugh at me.." He murmured, crossing his versized hands over his chest, staring at the ground. "Oh shit- hey I didn't mean it like that.." You suddenly felt guilt, were you maybe too cruel?..

As you approached him you placed one of your hands on his shoulder and leaned down slightly to catch his attention but you were immediately tackled to the ground. You expected your head to violently slam into the cold bathroom tile but the impact was disturbed by Jack's hand on the back of your head, cushioning your fall.

He yet again rested himself on top of you but this time it wasn't as comfortable as the last since you were now pressed again the tiles, which may you add were freezing cold.


So.... i started playing COD.. does anyone wanna play with me?  😝 😝 😝

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now