CH.6 - The nile is a river in egypt

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My laptop was getting repaired so late update <3

"Calm down you're gonna choke-" You were barely able to finish the sentence when (y/s) interrupted, mouth still semi-full with the food.

"He came out of the box!" Was their quick statement before resuming to wolf down the food.

"The box huh? Must be magical then huh?" You giggle, playing along with them, completely oblivious to the horror that box will bring upon you.

It was getting dark and mom hadn't come home yet. Must be pretty busy. You were cleaning up the dishes that piled up as you heard (y/s) run downstairs with cheerful giggles.

They ducked under the table to 'hide' themselves in a way. You were smiling at their action but that smile soon faded into horror when you heard more footsteps going down the stairs.

Your initial thought was that someone broke in, you clutched the handle of the pan you were holding.

A large man.. creature.. a thing appeared, standing before the table with (y/s) under it as he pretended to not know where the child was.

You were staring from the corner of your eye, legs frozen into place like a statue in a museum.

The man soon enough peaked under the table, letting out a loud 'Boo!' before (y/s) giggled loudly again and continued to run away in a playful manner.

"Oy! I already tagged you, you're not playing fair!" His voice sounded raspy, almost hoarse with a slight british accent.

"Liar, you can't tag my hair, you gotta get me Jack!" (Y/s) shouted back, almost at the top of the stairs again.

Jack? The imaginary friend?..... If he was imaginary how the fuck could YOU see him?! You slowly turned back to the pan you've been abusing with the harsh scrubbing of the sponge.

"I guess.. Ignoring it wouldn't hurt?.." You mutter, still in denial this happened. 

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now