CH. 45

838 46 16

You hadn't even realized you fell asleep again until something jumped at you, landing directly on your stomach and causing you to jump up in pain and surprise. With a loud yelp followed by coughing you looked up to see (y/s) giggling to themselves as they continued their attack, tackling you.

"Jack came to pick me up today (Y/N)!" They said happily, rolling over to get off of you and nearly falling off the edge of the bed doing so. "Careful- Oh? Isn't that just so fun?" You laughed with her, enjoying that familiar childlike joy they always expressed so openly, without any worry for judgment.

"Yeah It was amazing! I told him all about what I did in class today and everything!" They rambled on, sitting beside you and happily talking your ear off.

"Don't you have some homework to do, kid?" Jack piped in, raising an eyebrow and giving them an oddly warm smile. Your stomach flipped at the domestication you were currently experiencing- He can actually be caring and nice?!

(y/s) let out a low 'awwhh..' in disappointment as they sulked off to their room. Your eyes remained on them until they were completely out of sight.

"So- you feeling any better?" He hummed, sitting himself on the edge of the bed where your sibling had sat just seconds ago.

"I mean I was never sick to begin with but I guess you could say I am." You hummed, sitting yourself up as the blanket slid off your shoulders. Jack caught the blanket, re-wrapping you in it with a small furrow noticeable in his brows.

Were you for real receiving tender love and care from a literal child murdering clown.  "I- um.. thanks." You hummed, unsure how to respond to this sudden and uncalled for affection. It's not like you minded it or anything.. It was actually quite pleasant and you welcomed the gesture with a small smile on your lips.

As promised heres the discord link:

This link only works for 1 week so ill probably post a new one every week if theres any that couldn't get in in time. :3

Laughing Jack x Male!readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum