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Tyler is online
Tyler: hey yall

Lindsay: Omg! Hai Taylor! 😇

Tyler: hey linds..

Gwen: aint it silly she still doesnt know your name after all these years

Tyler: i mean, not like we're dating anymore, but yeah im still her friend
Tyler: guess im not that important to her anyways..
Tyler: but its okay!

Gwen: fr

Lindsay: Oh, I didn't know you were here Geezer!

Gwen: HELP thats not even a name 😰

Tyler: lmao
Tyler: she calling you old or sum?

Gwen: i suppose but im not that old 😰

Heather: oh hey guys

Lindsay: Haiii Heather!

Heather: hey lindsay!

Tyler: she remembers your name though??

Heather: guess im just closer to her than you idk 🤷‍♀️

Tyler: wait...
Tyler: does that mean you're...

Heather: does that mean what?

Lindsay: Go on, Tyson! You can say it!


Tyler: i dont wanna say it in case its a secret...
Tyler: like if im right..

Heather: pm me the question?

Tyler: aight


Tyler: i really dont wanna ask this and sound rude...
Tyler: but
Tyler: are yall dating?
Tyler: cause me and linds are good friends and if youre like closer to her than i am then i guess that would make sense?

Heather: yeah, we are lol

Tyler: aww congrats :]

Heather: thanks ☺️
Heather: but i think it'd be better off a secret if you don't mind keeping that secret

Tyler: yeah i can keep a secret! you can trust me :]

Heather: okay thanks ☺️

Tyler: anytime

total drama gays

Gwen: yall done?

Tyler: yep

Heather: yeah

Gwen: nice
Gwen: err so what now?

Heather: idk
Heather: maybe we wait for someone else to get online idk

Gwen: good idea

Alejandro is online
Alejandro: I saw that mi amor was online ❤️
Alejandro: and I'm not talking about Heather, as you should know

Gwen: who is it then? cause it aint me

Alejandro: you'll just have to work it out ;)

Lindsay: Well it's not me! I wouldn't date Jalapeño, because I already have girlfriend!

Heather: congrats on coming out lindsay, maybe you should go offline for a bit?? ☺️☺️

Lindsay: Okay, bye Heather! Bye Jalapeño, Gina and Trevor!
Lindsay is offline

Gwen: GINA???
Gwen: 😰

Tyler: hey, at least you're not called trevor! 😭

Gwen: fair enough.. 😰
Gwen: anyways back to the guessing of alejandros 'amor'
Gwen: so if its not me and not heather and not lindsay...
Gwen: that only leaves...
Gwen: 🤯

Tyler: uhhhhhhhhh
Tyler: its not me 😇😇
Tyler: i-
Tyler: I like girls!

Gwen: well, its nobody else, and the name of this gc is 'total drama gays'...

Tyler: doesnt mean its me...

Alejandro: one of you is lying...
Alejandro: and I can give you guys hints if you want


Alejandro: okay..
Alejandro: hint for yall
Alejandro: hes in denial like LOTS of denial

Tyler: wonder who that could be eh

Gwen: i wonder... 🤔
Gwen: is his name perchance... tyler??

Alejandro: yes, how did you know??

Gwen: im just magic like that

Tyler: GUCK
Tyler: FUCK*

Gwen: GUCK???
Gwen: HELP.

Tyler: guys ive been meaning to change my name...

Gwen: LMAO
Gwen: change it to tyson I dare you
Gwen: wait no change it to TREVOR


Alejandro: tyler mi amor come downstairs 😘
Alejandro: im waiting for you 😘

Tyler: UH
Tyler: AND
Tyler is offline

Gwen: bro really said five stages of gay frfr

Alejandro: lmao.
Alejandro: anyways here comes tyler so ill put my phone away
Alejandro: cya later!

Gwen: bye alejandro!

Alejandro is offline

Heather: help


Heather: LMAO
Heather: anyways
Heather: how freaking gay fr

Gwen: for reelzies
Gwen: theres a reason we called 'total drama gays'

Heather: real
Heather: anyways im gonna go
Heather: so bye!

Gwen: bye!

Heather is offline

Gwen: fuck im so lonely now 😰
Read by everyone at 3:21 pm


okay so idk what the fuck im doing with this but yeah. im trying to include more characters, not basing each chapter around the same group of people if you know what i mean? and like i want characters to be more liked in these stories cause yk first of all dont want to upset fans yk and second of all my opinions have changed on some characters. like next chapter i might include maybe duncan being more liked or have characters i dont think ive talked about in my stories before like beth, maybe katie and sadie. also, the no lines between the same person speaking thing is kind of growing on me tbh, i think ill keep it (but only have it on this book not the others). anyways, thats all i wanna say so new chapter soon! maybe give some requests for characters you want to see more of <3

645 words written

total drama gc but I have too many of theseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum