Bio of Tamashi

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Here's the detail of Tamashi...

Takumi Tamashi (character)

Takumi Tamashi (character)

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Personal Information

Alias: Necromancer, Tama-chan (by Fuka), Tama-nii (by Sakura)

Species: Human

Age: 20 

Gender: Male

Height: 174 cm

Hair Color: Black & ash blonde

Eye Color: Red

Relatives: Unnamed Parents (deceased), Amano Fuka (cousin), unnamed relatives

Professional Information

Status: Alive

Occupation: Professional Sorcerer, Bodyguard

Affiliation: Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College (formerly; quit), Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College (through Gojou Satoru)

Grade: Special First Grade (currently)


Tamashi is a teenage boy with average height, having short black & ash blonde hair with a bang cover his left eye, with red eyes.

He mostly seen wearing his school uniform with a green scarf around his neck.

Since leaving the school, Tamashi wear a different set of clothes. Though he kept his green scarf as his signature cloth.


Tamashi is formerly a fair, good-natured and friendly person who truly cares for not only those who close to him, but other people he can sees. He value life and always tell others that no matter what happen, a person's life cannot be replace.

Because constantly being bullied, Tamashi feels down easily and develop a inferiority complex. However, he is not the type to bear grudge and always do other things to forget about it.

After the death of his friends, Tamashi completely change. He developed much more insane personality, become somewhat irrational and rude. He even start to holding grudge against the higher-ups of the jujutsu community, swearing to get his revenge for calling his friends and other sorcerers as "replaceable tools."

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