Chapter 28 ~ Giry's Plan

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Hey peoples!! So this chapter was written by my fab friend, totalphanguy !! He's going to help me write the sequel to this Phanfic, so he wrote this chapter! Go follow him, he's fab! 😘💕

Madame Giry's POV
"You know that Ryleigh is dreaming, correct?" I asked my friend; the Phantom.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. She is here and she is mine."

"Oh heavens, I am the only one that can see that she is dreaming..." I mumbled. "Her imagination is far too strong, she thinks she is really here and you think she is really here."

"What are you taking about?! My angel is real, my angel is here!" said Erik in a very concerned tone.

"You have to wake her up or she will die when Christine pulls the trigger. Ryleigh's death with transfer to her world and she will die in reality, as well as this dream." I told Erik.

"But if she is just dreaming and if she is not really here in our time, how could she die in her time if she is just dreaming!?!" Shouted Erik in a frustrated and scared manner.

"Once a human from the future comes to the past in a dream, the human will die if he/she gets killed in her dream in the past. I know this is all very confusing for you right now, Erik, but trust me. You have to wake her up, sending her back to the future, for GOOD. If not Ryleigh will die. Do you want that for her?" I asked.

"Of course not. I have to make sure Ryleigh doesn't die in reality. I would never forgive myself for letting that happen." said Erik in the most weary matter I have ever heard someone speak in.

"Now, go to my office in the ballet dormitories and find my potion of conjuring 'Blissful Dreams' and pour it into her lips. Because she is already dreaming, the potion will have a reversed affect. Your Angel will wake up in present time...This is the only way to save Ryleigh." I said as quickly as I could before Christine could kill Erik's angel. Erik nodded and started to dash down to my office to save the love of his life.

There Are Dreams That Cannot Be: A Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن