Chapter 21 ~ Healing

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Ryleigh's POV
We eventually pulled away, both gasping for air. I smiled at Erik and giggled slightly, and he smiled back lovingly.

"Madame Giry!" He yelled for her, and the door flew open. Katelyn and Madame Giry ran into the room, their mouths falling wide open when they saw me sitting there.

"I-it worked?" Madame Giry said, her mouth breaking out into a smile. Katelyn still stood there, a look of absolute shock plastered on her face.

"Apparently" I chuckled, smiling over at Erik. He smiled back, and we just stared at each other affectionately.

Apparently Katelyn had finally gotten over her initial shock, because she ran over to me and carefully hugged me, trying to avoid the bullet wound. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back, smiling into her shoulder. After all of our reunions, Madame Giry called the doctor back to the opera house, telling him that I had woken. We waited around and chatted for a few minutes before the doctor arrived, and he smiled when he saw that I was sitting up and smiling brightly.

"I'm glad to see that you are awake," he said kindly. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. My stomach still hurts, though." I said, noticing for the first time that I once again felt pain.

"That is to be expected for a few days, as you were almost fatally shot. Luckily Erik got you here in time." he said, sighing in relief and smiling. "Now, I'll check on the wound and see if it is healing as it should, and then I will re-bandage it and then we'll go from there." he said.

"Okay." I replied, not knowing what else to say.

He came around to where the bandage was covering part of my stomach and carefully started unwrapping it. Erik moved to my side and held my hand reassuringly, squeezing it when I winced in pain every now and then.

"Everything looks just fine" the doctor said happily. He then took out some more bandages and re-covered the wound, tying it tightly around me.

"Does it hurt too much?" He asked. "I can adjust it if need be."

"It's just fine. Thank you."

"Good. Well, you should be recovered in a few days, a week at the most. Just rest and try not to move around too much." He said, a caring tone in his voice.

"Okay. Thank you so much for everything." I sighed, smiling at him.

"It was no problem, it's my job." He said before shaking my hand and exiting the room. "If you need me, just ask. I'll be back here in four days." He added as he reappeared in the doorway. Then he smiled and left again, closing the door behind him.

"Well, we'll leave you two with some privacy." Madame Giry said, motioning for Katelyn to follow her. They were out of the room before I had a chance to say thank you.

"Erik, thank you for saving me" I said, taking his hands in mine. I noticed that he looked a little nervous, but I shook the thought aside.

"It was absolutely no problem, Ryleigh." He sighed, standing up.

"W-what are you-" I started to say, but my mouth gaped open as Erik got down on one knee.

"Ryleigh, I love you more than anything on this Earth, more than any words could ever say. Would you please do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked, smiling nervously.

I was in tears at this point as I furiously nodded, my mouth breaking into a huge smile. "Yes!" I said, and I wrapped my arms around him as we crashed our lips together.

There Are Dreams That Cannot Be: A Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now