Chapter 6 ~ Love at First Sight

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Erik's POV
I don't know why I was so open with her; usually if anyone had asked me this many questions I would have Punjabbed them by now. There was just something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. I knew that I couldn't possibly be falling for her, I was in love with Christine! But then I wondered...was I? Or was Christine's voice the only thing that I loved about her. I hesitated for a moment when Ryleigh asked me to take off my mask, but I did it anyways; it was like she put some kind of spell over me. I couldn't control what I did, I just automatically did whatever she asked. I held it in my hand nervously as I awaited her reaction.

Ryleigh's POV
As I gazed upon his face I tried to not show any emotions so I wouldn't upset him. His face was horribly deformed and scarred on the right side, but there was a certain beauty to it. I'm not sure why I wasn't running away; most girls would scream in terror at the sight of it. But not I. I walked towards him, my eyes fixed on him. "It's beautiful, Erik" I said, my hand faintly stroking his deformed cheek.

"H-how can you s-say that? Everyone always s-screams in terror?"

"I suppose you just have to look with your heart and not with your eyes" I said, smiling slightly. I knew that I had heard that phrase before, but I could not remember when or where.

"I suppose you do" he said, gazing down at me. "Thank you" he whispered.

"It was no problem" I said quietly. And then the two of us did the unthinkable; we leaned in towards each other and our lips met, sending sparks flooding throughout my body.

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