Chapter 23: Diplomacy

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Manning the reception window of the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department was none other than Raita herself. It was truly a tiring experience to deal with many barbarian nations, she perceived, to the point that she even lost much of her weight from all of the stress.

From her point of view, the FPDA was nothing but a bunch of useless barbarian nations that formed a useless coalition to protect themselves. Still, the recent defeat of the Imperial Oversight Army of the Parpaldia Empire against the Fenn Kingdom had made the Emperor furious, with the fact that the department she was currently working with was the one that gave the order.

"Dear, Lord... Why was I the only person to draw the short stick?!" she complained.

There was a huge storm over her report - she had been aiming for a promotion, but all chances of that were now gone with the wind. She was about to undergo a mental breakdown until...

"Uhm... Ms Raita. I am sorry if I am bothering you but has the department manager's schedule has been finalized yet?" 

Someone called out blithely - a familiar female tone. Raita looked up to see Ms Zulaika Ilyana of Malaysia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr Andrew Zhu of Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Upon seeing these two, especially Ms Zulaika, since she's the first person to meet Raita, the Parpaldian window clerk lady, had no choice except to swallow her tears. She perceived they were just another customer and the crooks who caused Emperor Ludius' trust in the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department to drop to the deepest part of the ocean. 

Wasting no time, she escalated them to her bosses as soon as possible and after an hour later...

"I begged you two's pardon for the wait, but the good news - the head of the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department, Sir Kaios has permitted you two to meet him. Please come this way," said Raita.

Ms Zulaika and Mr Andrew exchanged glances as they nodded to each other - the diplomats from different nations all looked up at the two in shock as this would normally never happen. Slowly and surely, chatters can be heard from other diplomats as they watch the two escorted by a young Parpaldian man.

Less did everyone realise that the presence of the two diplomats from the FPDA itself was more of a dire matter - following the news of the annexation of the Altaras Kingdom and the incident that took place at the Fenn Kingdom within previous days, the Council for Defence Enforcement and Security (MIDES) has decided that none of the members of the FPDA itself should initiate a diplomatic relationship with the Parpaldia Empire.

At the same time, the FPDA Consultative Council (FCC), whose meetings are co-chaired by the Secretary-General for Defence has agreed to increase the area of patrol and its frequency mostly facing the continents of Philades and the Eastern Sea whose direction turns away from the Rodenius Continent and to enhance coordination among member nations' defence forces. 

However, the recent letter sent by the head of the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department himself towards the embassy of Singapore in the Topa Kingdom via the help of the former Topan ambassador to the Parpaldia Empire, which also included threats to attack the Kingdom if the request was not met immediately put the FPDA on high alert.

Thankfully, the threat was adverted when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and Singapore agreed to comply with the request made by the head of the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department even though they received a warning from the MIDES, thus, organising a diplomatic corps fully packed with everything they have to meet the requirement of their appointment.



Detached Building [Guest House], 3rd Foreign Affairs Department, Imperial Capital of Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

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