Chapter 6: Saving the elven refugees

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Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 2. 10 kilometres east of Gim, Qua-Toyne Principality

There was a small, reclusive and beautiful elven village named Álfur, which was located 10 km east of Gim. Due to the reason that its residents did not interact a lot with other Qua-Toynians, the news about what had happened in Gim arrived at their ears very late.

Realising that there are still chances to survive, the Álfur's residents evacuated the town at once bringing everything that belonged to them. Some of them even used the front door of their house to get their goods.

It was a very distressing journey to escape from the claws of the Lourian Armies that were positioned in Gim but luckily, a shortcut allowed them to shorten their journey from their village. Most of the escapees were children, women and the elderly.

Do not forget to mention some men who served as their pathfinders and guardians. Most of them were only equipped with bows and arrows, axes and shovels, which appeared to be not very adequate to fight against the Lourians if encounters occurred.

Among them was a 10-year-old elve boy named Parun together with his sister, Asha, who was about 6 years old and younger than him. The children's mother had died early days before the invasion due to a mysterious type of illness, and they were living with their father. However, because of the danger of the Lourian invasion, their father, who was part of the first reserve forces of the Qua-Toynian land forces, was called in to serve the army.

"Parun, please take care of your younger sister during my absence. Please be a strong and unbeatable person if I and my comrades fell forever on the battlefield against the barbaric people and army of the Louria Kingdom," That was their father's last word before he went off to join the Qua-Toynian Land Forces to face the invasion.

Until now, the word echoed through his mind. He realised how his father had entrusted everything to him and now, he must prove that he can take care of his beloved little sister.

"Hey, Parun. When are we going to arrive at the Fortress City Ejei?" asked Asha.

"Not long, a few more moments then we will arrive," said Parun, trying to convince his little sister.

In reality, the refugees were not even gaining any speed. Coupled up with the scorching heat of the sun that was right up above them had caused the groups to slow down little by little. Just as they were about to arrive at a road bend, they heard a shout.

"Lourian Cavalry!!! Everyone, drop your belongings and disperse and run for your lives!!!" a male elf shouted.

Hearing him yelling, they quickly registered their heads and saw nearly one hundred and twenty Lourian cavalries about three kilometres behind them, quickly closing in towards their current position. The villagers began to scream as they ran, but there was no way they could outrun horses, and the Lourian Cavalry unit slowly gained on them.

The Lourian unit was none other than the Lourian Hawk Knight's 15th cavalry under the leadership of Captain Red-Eyed Jove. The Captain licked his lips with lust at the prey in front of him. They were about 3 kilometres away, but the land was flat and wide with no obstructions, so they were in plain sight.

"Well well well, look what we've got here!" said him as he watched the groups making their way through the vast grassland.

"Scouting and terrain survey are boring isn't it?" asked Captain Red-Eyed Jove to one of his subordinates.

"Yes, sir. But then look over there! We have such splendid side dishes!" said a knight behind him as he pointed out the group of elvish children that were running as 'side dishes.

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