Chapter 15: Corollary

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Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 4, Day 23. Government Hall, Lotus Garden, Qua-Toyne Principality

"It's been eight days after the arrest of the 34th King Hark Louria by the British forces of the FPDA

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"It's been eight days after the arrest of the 34th King Hark Louria by the British forces of the FPDA. The Louria Kingdom, which has just lost its leader, has also lost its influence over their vassals or may have just lost them in the battle. The army of Louria's vassal lords is within the scale of 400,000 people. They possessed the greatest battle prowess, but since the FPDA forces have established the Stabilization Forces hours after the arrest, there are chances for such matter to unlikely occur," said Kanata as he appointed the first matter to be discussed in the conference, which received many reactions from the rest of the Qua-Toynian ministers.

"When the war began, at first, many doubted the prowess of the FPDA's forces, but who would've thought that they were this powerful,"

"It's not impossible to acknowledge it... that's the result when five powers united against a common foe,"

Then, Rinsui, the Qua-Toynian Minister of Foreign Affairs, asked the Military Minister, "Excuse me, Military Minister. Do you exactly know what happened to the Louria Kingdom's Army?"

"Well, I'm quite surprised that after a confrontation with the British forces FPDA, the Louria Kingdom's army was left with roughly 90,000 men. Most of them are the naval forces," said the Military Minister.

"This is also because the British forces of the FPDA only attacked harboured warships. Thus, the loss of lives was pressed to the minimum... they may be used to respond against internal turmoils, and for the time being, I assume they no longer possessed any power to fight other nations," said Kanata before he took a sip of Darjeeling tea.

"Concerning the internal affairs of the Louria Kingdom... Powerful lords from all territories will recover, and few nations will emerge. That's the assumption we've come upon. Even now, letters of correspondence with intentions of improving the relationship with our country are being delivered," said Rinsui before he did a double facepalm.

"What's the matter, Rinsui?" asked Kanata.

"Don't you see, Kanata? While it's clear that there are several vassals right now that have a good relationship with our country, we can't just simply forgive the vassals that attacked Gim!" said Rinsui, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Hearing that, Kanata responded to Rinsui with a calm yet firm tone.

"Rinsui, I know that there's a lot of problems to be solved... yet, our Principality itself is saved from its impending doom, which should we be glad of. From hereafter, I intend to pursue a more friendly relationship with the nations of the Five Power Defence Arrangements," said Kanata. The meeting lasted for the next forty-five minutes, discussing other matters such as post-war economic development.

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