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PROJECT SIN EATER . . . message three


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"Was the Brass listening in?"

That was the first question Dymphna asked Zeke as they walked side-by-side in the hallway, almost reaching the exit with every step.

"Why'd you ask?" Zeke questioned, reaching the exit and holding the door for her as she walked past Zeke and stepped outside, Zeke following her.

The air was thicker from the rain yesterday, the clouds a bit shadier in the sunset sky as wet droplets from higher surfaces dropped onto the floor, one landing on her hair.

She turned to Zeke as he started walking again with her down the wet street, her following beside him.

"You usually like to talk with me in your office more often to check on my status for improvements." She told him as he hummed, listening to her claims.

"Well, maybe you're not wrong but maybe I wanted to take a little stroll today. . ." Zeke claimed as she hummed in understanding, she was getting the memo that he wasn't going to talk about it.

"Then. . . what's this walk about?" She questioned again, looking up at him. She was confused on what this talk was about, considering that he already talked to her father this week about the project, meaning he had no reason.

"As I said, maybe I just wanted to take a little stroll today." "But what are we supposed to talk about?"

"Hm. . . your father and the Tybur family are friends, yeah? So I imagine you are invited to the eve of the festival in the dining hall, will we see you tomorrow?" Dymphna looked up in surprise at his words, expecting him to just go silent and walk with her considering they weren't even that close but she looked forward again while walking with him.

"You are right, Father and the head Tybur were friends growing up and still are, so yeah. Even still, the Tyburs are one of the most valued families in Marley so I have to prepare the whole day, so I won't see you tomorrow. ." She told him as he hummed in understanding, she suddenly stopped in front of the hospital.

Zeke stopped walking, a little surprised as his eyes narrowed only a bit while watching her look at the hospital with the soldiers roaming around in front of the hospital. He turned to her, having a confused expression on why she stopped suddenly.

"Do you need anything from here?" Zeke questioned but she didn't answer, just looking at the hospital and the patients.

"You remember when we were kids and I'd have to spend so many times here due to me getting sick?"

". . . we'd see so many soldiers." She said, remorse washing over her at the thought of seeing so many soldiers. . . with their minds, their lives destroyed. She'd seen so many when she was young and she could never understand why these soldiers decided to destroy, to torment their own lives.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑,   attack on titanWhere stories live. Discover now