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PROJECT SIN EATER . . . message nine

"It was called 'Ragako', Not 'that village'

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"It was called 'Ragako', Not 'that village'."

"And seeing as you murdered every person who was there, you should learn the name, you bearded shit." The Captain insulted Zeke for his incompetence in learning the village's name, considering he had turned them into mindless Titans.

"Look, it's not like I wanted to do it. I just. . . did what was needed to convince the Marleyans that I was loyal to them. If they'd learned the truth, I never could've brought hope to this island." Zeke had justified himself before looking up at the Captain.

"None of this is new to you, though, I told you guys the exact same thing when I first got here. Why do you keep asking me about it?" Zeke recalled and asked the Captain the question he had been wondering for the entire explanation.

"Because I can see that you aren't burdened by a shred of guilt over what you've done. I still can't tell if you actually wanna save Eldia, but it's clear that those lives meant nothing to you." The Captain answered his question in a monotone voice but every soldier there listening in could tell that it was full of judgment and anger towards Zeke.

"Doubt you were well-liked by the ladies. Considering how you think you know what everyone else is feeling." Zeke claimed, coming up with an insult on the spot.

"I do know. And I was liked enough. So. . ." "Well good for you!"

"Anyway, when are you gonna let me meet with Eren so we can run our experiment?" Zeke asked, looking at him with genuine honesty.

"That isn't my call to make. We're waiting for HQ." The Captain informed him easily.

"If your commanders think that they have time to spare, then they couldn't be more wrong," Zeke warned the Captain, his mind calm and not escalated with fear, unlike Dymphna's.

"On that one point, we agree." The Captain told him simply/

"Captain Levi!" One of the soldiers yelled to Levi, running over to him before whispering in his ear.

"What? Are you serious?"


Dymphna snapped out of her thoughts before looking at Gabi, who was sitting next to her as they rode in the horse-drawn vehicle that she hadn't seen in ages.

"Are you ok?" Gabi questioned before Dymphna nodded and noticed they were in the middle of town, grabbing the blanket she grabbed on the way, and throwing it over Gabi's head.

"Keep it on for now, I'm not going to get us caught. Just take it off when we get to the restaurant." Dymphna whispered to Gabi before looking at Falco and huddling next to him, crossing her arms as she prepared to snap her fingers twice in signal.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑,   attack on titanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora