Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home Part 2

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Jen pondered the best spot to start their next lesson. Her dad was snoring by 8 pm, so that wasn't a concern. But her mom was unpredictable, and her brother sometimes sneaked into the kitchen to grab late-night snacks, so she had to bring James to a quiet space.

"So, when are you going back home?" Jen asked James, breaking the silence. She glanced up and realized James was already staring at her.

"I'm not sure yet," James said.

She looked over to her brother, who was outside with them. His chair was positioned towards the living room, where he was engrossed in playing his PlayStation on the TV through the translucent doors, wearing headphones.

"Has Chad texted you?" James asked.

"Uh, no. Not yet. But I still want to be prepared," Jen said.

"I see," James said, his tone subdued.

Her brother suddenly erupted into a fit of rage at someone in the game. "Listen you fucking dumbass! Your connection is shit! It's fucking shiiiiiit!"

Jen and James simultaneously opened their mouths in shock.

"Shut up, pussy,"

Jen walked over and removed Connor's headphones.

"Where did you learn that?" she asked him.

"I'll tell you in a minute. Just let me finish the game," Connor whined, trying to snatch his headphones back. Jen glanced at the TV, where he was playing some fighting game and trying to shoot people.

"Don't use that language, kid. Or I'm going to take it away," James intervened firmly. Connor looked up at James.

"No, I'm sorry. I won't," Connor apologized, his eyes welling with tears.

Jen shook her head as she handed him back his headphones and returned to her seat.

"He usually doesn't say stuff like that. At least, I've never heard it before," Jen remarked, slightly baffled.

"No, I get it. You can get so riled up in a game," James said. "So, where's the pool?" he asked Jen, scanning the backyard.

"Oh, we don't have one," Jen replied casually.

"Why not?" James asked.

"Just didn't have the space," she said.

"Where do you swim?"

"Oh, I don't," Jen admitted. She wasn't much of an outdoor person, especially when it came to water activities. "I don't know how," she added, clarifying.

James clicked his tongue, as he shook his head, "that's not good Genesis Munroe. Not good at all."

"Why not?" Jen asked.

"Chad's a big fan of the beach," James said.

"Oh. I'll learn then," Jen said, making a mental note.

James leaned in closer to her, placing a hand on her knee. "Chad likes a lot of things. So you're going to practice with me first," he whispered.

"Oh," Jen nodded, not looking back at him. "Like what?" she asked.

"Mmmm," James leaned in even closer to her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "He seems to love bedroom activities."

Jen coughed and glanced over at Connor, who was immersed in the game, thankfully oblivious to James's suggestive words.

"I-I shouldn't practice that with you," Jen stuttered. Fuck her heartbeat. He lifted her legs onto his lap, pulling her closer to him. She could feel his warm breath hitting against her ear as he chuckled softly.

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