Chapter 14: Parties Never End Well Part 2

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Jen eventually found Kris in the kitchen, flirting with the redhead contender she had been talking about lately. Assuming Kris was having fun, Jen walked back to the living room and spotted Chad with the blonde girl from the mall. He sat on the couch, and she sprawled prettily across his lap, leaving a hickey on his neck. Other girls hovered around, vying for his attention, though he was certainly distracted.

Yet, Jen couldn't help but look at the girl. She hadn't even seen her face yet, but she knew she was drop-dead gorgeous—skinny, shiny blonde hair cascading down her back, clad in a tight pink dress. Chad had his hands greedily on the girl's head, pulling her closer to his neck. He made eye contact with Jen, who was wearing a dress that was typically too modest for his enjoyment. But he couldn't deny that she looked cute. Chad's glare at Jen screamed of acrimony.

"Hey, Jen."

She looked up to see James walking towards her. "Sorry, I got bored. Did you find Kris?" he asked.

Chad vociferously groaned, threw the girl off of him, and stomped off. Was he jealous? Jen thought. But he did the same thing to her, right after she had made his heart skip.

"Um, yeah," Jen shook her head at Chad's odd mannerism. "But she was talking to a girl so I let her be."

James was about to say something when he was interrupted.

"We're playing drink or dare! Come on, y'all!" a drunk Meg with manhandled hair yelled, dinging on a tiny hand-held bell. A crowd of intoxicated people rushed toward her. Jen and James followed reluctantly.

"Fuck. I hate this game." She heard James mutter quietly.

James and Jen sat next to each other with the others on the floor.

Jen watched Chad and the blonde girl take the last seat in the circle right across from her and James. She had to sit on Chad's lap to make up for the small space. Jen huffed.

"Don't worry about them. He's jealous," James whispered in her ear. Chad was looking straight at Jen like he was a predator, like he wanted to undress her and kill her at the same time. But Jen was busy eyeing James, who gave her a cute smirk. He leaned into her and rested his head on her shoulder. Chad rolled his eyes.

The game started, and there were a bunch of dares going on. Typical high school movie stuff, like making out, licking a toe, or burping the alphabet. It was entertaining to Jen, who was slightly out of it due to the small amount of alcohol she had earlier. No one here really knew who she was except James, Chad, Meg, and Kris, who was nowhere to be found. So, she took a backseat in this game and simply watched.

"My turn!" Meg said, her eyes landing on James. "James! drink or dare?"

"Dare," James replied without hesitation. He didn't lift his head from Jen's shoulder.

"Hmmmm, I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Genesis," Meg exclaimed, catching Jen off guard. Before she could respond, James swiftly got up from his seat, grabbed Jen's hand, and led her to the adjacent room, entering the nearest closet.

It was dark inside, and there wasn't much room, so they were standing close together. Jen looked up at James, wondering what he was thinking about.

"Did you see the look on his face? I've never seen him that mad," James chuckled softly to himself, his eyes scanning Jen's face. He absentmindedly grabbed a strand of her hair, "I can't blame him, though. I'd be jealous too."

Jen felt her face heat up. "I don't know, James. The more we talk, the more time he has with her."

"Trust me. The more we play lovie dovie, the more Chad will want you," James assured.

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