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(n) The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything

Kiara's POV:

The next day, Eden came over while my dad had already left early for work. With the day off of school, it was the perfect time to commence our investigation. Seated on my couch, we deliberated on where to begin, ultimately deciding to focus on Violet's case, the reason we began our investigation.

First, we attempted to pinpoint the last time we had seen or heard from Violet. Eden mentioned visiting Violet's house the day of her death, noting that Violet appeared normal that day. I then shared, "The last time I had contact with Violet was supposedly the night before her passing.

She texted me, letting me know she was going to her grandparents' cottage on her mothers side and asked me to call her." Eden winced slightly at my statement but maintained a stoic expression.

I continued, "I didn't respond immediately because I saw the text late at night and didn't want to wake her up."I showed Eden the text. It was merely a heads-up about her leaving We then attempted to uncover anything unusual on the day she died, but neither of us had been in contact with her.

Suddenly, Eden received a text, and after a few moments of tapping on her phone, she looked up and said, "I hate to cut our session short, but I have to go babysit Violet's little sister, Macy. Her parents need to run errands for the funeral."

I nodded in understanding. As she headed towards the door, an idea struck me. "How about I join you and help babysit?" I suggested. Eden, looking confused, scratched her neck and asked, "Why? You won't even get paid for your time." A slight smirk formed on my lips as I explained my plan to her

Arriving at the house, we found the parents waiting anxiously. Eden had informed them that I would be joining her to help out. As they rushed toward us, the mother quickly explained, "Hi! Sorry for calling you on such short notice. We just remembered that we have an appointment with the funeral home.

We have to go, we're already running late. But you already know the emergency numbers, and Macy is currently sleeping in her room." With that, they hastily left the house.

Once we were certain they had departed, we headed up to Violet's room. The plan was to search for anything that might provide clues.

Twisting the doorknob, we entered her room, finding a space that was both immaculate and distinctly Violet—pink and filled with personal touches. Her queen bed, adorned with daisy-patterned sheets, sat in one corner, accompanied by a nightside table with a lamp and scented candle. The room boasted posters, fairy lights, framed pictures, a vanity, and a closet.

Drawing on my memories from numerous FaceTime calls with Violet, I had an idea of where to look. We spent about five minutes searching and discovered a necklace and a diary. The necklace, distinct from Violet's usual style, had a black heart pendant with a thick silver rim, resembling something Layla might wear.

In fact, if my memory served me right, Layla had a very similar necklace, if not the same one. The presence of this necklace in Violet's room raised questions—had it been left by a friend, or did Violet acquire it for herself?

As for the diary, it was a simple pink one with a heart stitched into the cover. Turning to Eden, I suggested, "I think these might be the only things that could help us move forward. How about we pause for now and go back to babysitting Macy? She could wake up at any moment." Eden agreed, and we decided to put our findings aside for the moment, focusing on the task at hand

After a few hours, the parents returned, expressing their gratitude and compensating Eden for her time. Once back home, we headed to my room to begin reading the diary. My room was simple, featuring a queen-sized bed with a grey head post, a vanity, bean bags, and a closet.

Decorated with posters, albums, and vinyl disks, it offered a cozy atmosphere. Seated on the bean bags, we took turns skimming over the diary entries until a few caught our eye—the last four entries Violet had written before her passing.

We began by reading the first entry.


The next 3 or 4 chapters will be flashbacks. This was a short filler chapter.
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