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(n) an outburst of emotion or action

Kiara's POV:

We were led by the police officer toward the principal's office, forming a line outside as we waited to be called in one by one.

I found myself at the end of the line, realizing that everyone being questioned had some connection to Violet, potentially making them suspects. Despite being associated with Violet as her friend, I couldn't shake the racing heartbeat and an odd feeling that I, too, could be considered a suspect

Two people remained in line with me, one of them being Violet's older cousin, Eden. I was familiar with Eden because she was a senior like me, and we shared a few classes. Striking similarities between her and Violet were hard to ignore—they both possessed the same dark, wavy hair, enchanting hazel eyes, and facial features so alike that you could mistake them for twins.

We maintained silence, the tension in the air palpable. It hung thick, making the conversation feel nearly impossible. Just as I began to speak, the principal's office door swung open, and a student emerged.

Eden was called in, passing me without a second glance. Time ticked by as she underwent her interrogation, exiting the office once done

Finally, my name was called. I entered the auburn-toned room, spotting a single office desk adorned with a computer, and files scattered across it. Two chairs on each side of the desk, and my father sat in one.

Taking a seat in the leather chair, my father glanced up from the files, clearing his throat. He began the interrogation. "First question Miss Mendoza, what is your association with Miss Violet" he said observing my reaction.

My emotions remained unreadable, prompting him to proceed with the first question.

Cutting him off, I expressed my frustration, "Dad, cut the act. You know I didn't kill her, so there's no need for this whole interrogation thing." He looked at me, then back at the files, continuing with the first question.

Again, I interrupted, my brows furrowed, stating firmly, "Dad, are you serious right now? You know I'm innocent, and I'd never do anything to her."

Sighing deeply, he explained, "Honey, look, this is the protocol for any interrogation. You being my daughter, are not an exception." Pausing to gauge my response, he continued, "It's my job, and since you were directly associated with Violet, I need to do this. I trust you, but I at least need some answers for the file to further the investigation." Utter disbelief washed over me as I met his gaze

After five minutes of answering questions, I rose from my chair, making my way toward the door. Before I could leave, my father stopped me, his words carrying a mix of concern but mostly authority.

"Kiara, knowing you, I know that you'll try to get to the bottom of this and find the killer, but we have this handled, and we are doing our best. I just need you to promise me that you won't try to solve it yourself."

I stared at him in silence, conflicted by my desire for justice and his plea for caution. Finally, I turned toward the door, managing a stoic "Have a nice day, Dad."

Exiting the office, I headed back to my chemistry class, mentally preparing myself to endure the remaining 35 minutes with "Mr. Snooze.". Sorry, I meant my chemistry teacher Mr.Robinson


I swung the door open to my classroom, and its slight creak drew everyone's attention. My chemistry teacher greeted me with an annoyed tone, a clear sign I had interrupted his class. As I made my way to my seat, I felt the weight of my classmates' stares.

What were they looking at? Returning to classrooms had always been a discomfort, people would always watch your every move until you sat down; the scrutinizing gazes intensified the feeling.

Settling into my seat and opening my workbook, the whispers began. "What if she's the killer but gets off the hook because of her dad?" a girl behind me whispered to her friend. Ignorant assumptions, I thought.

"I mean, I wouldn't put it past her. I knew that perfect girl act was all a facade that could crumble any seco—" I couldn't take it anymore.

Twisting in my seat, I snapped, "If you have something to say about me, say it to my face and say it with your damn chest," my words delivered in a hushed yet forceful tone

.Their petty smirks vanished, and I pressed on, "You know if I needed a narration for every single thing I do in my life, I'd hire Morgan Freeman. So until then, mind your own, and I'll manage just fine without your damn commentary."

Both girls glared, and I turned back to face the board, fed up with their unnecessary gossip.

In an all-girl school, drama and gossip seemed inevitable, though that might sound sexist. Regardless, the students always found something to talk about.
Despite the boredom of the class, I decided to focus on the lesson.


At the end of the day, I made my way to my locker, having stayed a bit after school to grab a book from the library. As I opened my locker, retrieved my book bag, and stuffed it with essentials, the slam of the locker door revealed a surprise on the other side—Eden. Although we hadn't exchanged many words, our paths crossed occasionally in class and the nearly empty hallways.

Given the time, most students were already in their dorms or at home, and I knew Eden lived off-campus. Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why she was there.

She met my gaze with an assertive look, clearly determined to get something from me. Sensing my confusion, she spoke up, "Look, I know we don't talk, but I need to ask something of you."I remained silent, urging her to continue.

"I need your help finding out who killed my cousin. I know you were close to her, and considering who your dad is, I feel like you'd be of good assistance"

Her request lingered in the air, and I contemplated it, recalling my dad's warning about staying out of it in the principal's office.

However, when had I ever been one to take his advice?"You know what, this whole situation has put me on edge too, and I want to put a stop to it as much as you do. But there's nothing we can do without going unnoticed.

We aren't professional private investigators," I replied, acknowledging the complexity of the situation"I know, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least try to figure this out.

The longer we wait, the higher the chances that our lives, and those of other students, are in danger," Eden retorted.

"Don't you want to put an end to this? We shouldn't have to come to school every day worrying if we'll even come out alive at the end of the day.

I need to do this for Violet, and I know that you're the only person who cares about Violet as much as I do, even after the incident," she passionately expressed.

Her words resonated within me, and I realized she was right. The police were already struggling with the case as it was, and the murders had been ongoing for weeks without any resolution.

Despite my father's warning, the urge to find out nagged at me. I had always been curious, often trying to predict the outcomes of my father's cases.

The fear of one of my friends, or even myself, becoming the next victim lingered.

Though I had no clue about the incident Eden referred to, I agreed, saying, "Look, I'm kinda tired after today, but first thing tomorrow, you can come over to mine, and we'll figure out where to start."

She nodded in understanding and left, leaving me to contemplate the gravity of the situation.

I knew that going against my father's wishes would get me in trouble in the long run. But I couldn't help but let my curiosity get the best of me.


3rd chapter!! The beginning of the investigation.
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1384 words


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