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(v) To leave without saying goodbye


Kiara's POV

I woke up on Sunday morning and prepared for the day. I quickly put on a pair of low-rise discolored jeans and a black long-sleeve shirt with a sweetheart neckline. After getting dressed, I went downstairs to have breakfast.

While eating, I remembered receiving a text from Violet and the decision I had made the previous night to call her in the morning.

I reached into my jeans pocket and took out my phone. Opening the messaging app, I pressed the call button under Violet's name and waited for it to connect. However, it went straight to voicemail.

Thinking that she might be busy, I decided to try calling her again later. After waiting for 15 minutes, I attempted to call her again, only to be sent to voicemail once more. I called a few more times, all with the same outcome.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and slight annoyance. It was strange because Violet was usually always on her phone unless she was purposely ignoring my calls, which I highly doubted since she was the one who asked me to call her in the first place.

Running my hand through my hair, I grabbed my keys and purse and headed towards my sleek black Audi R8 V10 parked outside.

I had made up my mind to visit Violet at her cabin, out of worry. She had texted me the address but I didn't know why.

As I started the engine and backed out of the driveway, I checked my rearview mirror before driving towards her grandparents cabin which was approximately ten minutes away.

When I arrived and pulled up at her house, I saw the very last thing I wanted to see.

Approaching the house, a cop spotted me and delivered the news, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but this scene is currently under investigation, and inspecting I will have to ask you to leave."

Irritated, I retorted, "No, I want to know what happened. My friend is supposed to be here, and I need to know if she's okay." Agitation rang clear in my tone. Tears began to well up in my eyes due to me being overwhelmed.

The officer insisted, "Ma'am, please calm down. We've got this under control, and we need to do our job, so I will have to ask you to leave once again."

An older officer joined us after hearing our exchange, asking, "Ma'am, may I ask what business you have here?" I replied, "I came here to see my friend because she hasn't been answering my calls.

When I got here, the cabin was surrounded by cop cars and ambulances, and I just need you to tell me whether she's okay or not." The older police officer avoided eye contact, maintaining silence. Pity was evident in his eyes.

Realization hit me; I immediately knew what had happened. My eyes burned, tears welled up, and my hands shook. Tears streamed down my face, and my lips trembled.

The officer offered condolences, saying, "I am sincerely sorry, and I wish you my sincere condolences for your friend." There it was, the confirmation I needed.

The reason for her unanswered calls. The person on the stretcher. It made no sense; I couldn't think logically.

I rushed back to my car and drove home, in shock and denial. Parking in my driveway, I entered my house, shut the door, and collapsed to my knees, breaking down in sobs. It was unbelievable.

Just yesterday, I had texted her, and now she was lying lifeless on a stretcher on her way to the hospital. She didn't deserve this.
Excited to visit her grandparents.Should I have called her sooner when I had first seen her text? Could I have somehow saved her from her fate? To all those questions, I had no answers, and I'd be damned if I didn't try to get them



The following day, I reluctantly returned to school. My dad, aware of the situation, offered me a week off of school to grieve the sudden passing of my friend, but I decided to go back. It had all happened just the day before, and I hadn't had time to process anything, but I felt a responsibility to be there for my friends and couldn't afford to miss any school.

News of Violet's death had spread quickly, and the entire school seemed to be buzzing with conversation.

As I approached my locker, I noticed Layla and Imani waiting for me. Their eyes held a mixture of sympathy and understanding.

While they were friends with Violet, I considered her a sister. Imani gave me a short but meaningful hug that conveyed, "We're here for you no matter what." Layla expressed concern, suggesting I go home, and offering to take notes for my classes.

Exhausted from crying and lack of sleep, I replied, "I'll be fine, but thank you, girls. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Imani then shared her parents' fear of pulling her out of school due to the rising safety concerns. It made sense; after all, some victims didn't even live on campus but still succumbed to the threat. I mentioned that a few students had already been withdrawn from the academy by worried parents.

Heading to our next class, chemistry, the monotony of the teacher's voice was sleep-worthy. It was interrupted by a knock at the door. Mr. Robinson opened it, revealing the chief of police, who also happened to be my father.

He exchanged a few words with Mr. Robinson in a low murmur, drawing the class's attention to me. People in the class were aware of my connection to Violet and my father's involvement in the case so they most likely assumed it was about me.

Suddenly, Mr. Robinson addressed five names, including mine, and instructed us to leave the classroom for an investigation led by the chief of police. Nervousness settled in, but deep down, I knew I had nothing to worry about; I was not connected to the murders in any way and I had nothing to do with them.




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