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A Few Days Ago
???'s POV:

The greatest gift one could ever receive in life is life itself. Embracing the beauty of life's intricate intricacies, we are reminded to savor each and every breath, cherish every connection; no matter how strong, and seize every opportunity with a heart full of gratitude.

It is something so pure , so beautiful that we often overlook its value until it is abruptly taken away from us, just as quickly as it was bestowed upon us.

Living in this sick and twisted world forces you to realize that no one actually cares about you unless you're of some importance, rich or dead.

Other then that people couldn't give a shit about anyone else because us humans we're born selfish. I guess you could say it's in our blood.

It ironic when people call themselves selfless in attempts to convince others but the only person they're trying to convince is themselves...

It all started with a seemingly innocent accident, a momentary lapse in judgment that spiraled into a series of events. it all happened so fast.

One second she was standing next to me and the next she was drowning in the deep depths of the community pool.

Let's just say that I accidentally pushed her in and her reaction time wasn't quick enough to swim back up.

I swear the first time was nothing but an accident. It just happened, and it happened quickly . Did I regret it? Maybe. Were the next ones accidents just like the first? No, not at all.

The first death happened swiftly and effortlessly. And so did the next one. And the one after that. I was fully aware of my actions, fueled by a psychotic and insatiable urge to kill.

It continued to happen, and I couldn't understand why I couldn't stop. But I soon found a reason for killing.

Normally there shouldn't be a reason for murder because well it's unjustifiable and it's a crime at the end of the day. But deep down I knew that my reason was valid and I wouldn't go down until my goal was achieved.

That's why I now find myself in a secluded forest, preparing to take the life of my fourth, or perhaps fifth, victim. The exact number no longer mattered.

Despite the darkness, I surveyed my surroundings before fixing my gaze on the girl who struggled against the restraints of the ropes, her mouth silenced by duct tape all while her hazel eyes looked at my frantically as if trying to predict my next move.

Her school uniform now disheveled and full with dirty. Her hair was an absolute disaster and her makeup was just a whole other story...

I intended to relish in her torment before ending her life, just as I had done with all my previous victims.

However, the sound of an approaching car in the distance shattered my plans. Without hesitation, I plunged my utility knife into her, and her body relaxed as the life drained from her. But not before etching the letter K into her now-turned-cold skin.

With a swift departure, I left her lifeless form behind on the cold, unforgiving ground.

One down, many more to go...


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