Jinx: Does it say how her powers work?

Robin: Sort of, yeah, she can dig through your subconscious to find weaknesses, fears, memories... pretty much anything she could use to exploit your mind, she'll take it.

Cyborg: Any chance it also says how to stop her?

Robin: If only it were that easy. Any ideas, y/n?I mean, you're also a psychic, right?

Robin turns towards y/n who's sitting on the floor beside my legs, leaning against the bottom of the couch with his arms crossed.

y/n: Uh, yeah but... from what I could tell, not the same kind as her. There's tons of different classes of psychics. Foresight, mind control, telekinesis...

Robin: Come on, she has to have some kind of weakness.

y/n: Well, normally psychics have some kind of vulnerability. Something that our brain is much more sensitive to than a normal person. It's like a trade-off, I guess.

Raven: So what's hers?

y/n: It's not that simple. Each person's abilities are slightly different, so there isn't like... one magical thing that everyone is weak to. It's more like...

He pauses for a second and looks up at the ceiling to collect his thoughts before continuing.

y/n: If you can figure out how to mess with a psychic's brain, you can really impair their powers.

Beast Boy: You mean like, ask them riddles?

y/n: That'd be funny, but no.

Raven: So, how are we supposed to figure out her weakness, then? Just guess and check?

Robin: Well, we're gonna have to figure something out, and fast. Someone like this prowling around Jump City is a recipe for disaster.

Robin saves the file and shuts off the computer before getting up to leave.

Starfire: Are you going the somewhere, Robin?

Robin: I'm going to train. I think best when I'm not sitting around, anyway.

Central Nevada | 2:14 PM

(Beast Boy POV)

I quickly dart to the side as another boulder comes barrelling down the side of the canyon, smashing into the ground just a few feet away from me. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I duck and swerve between the last few rock formations before skidding to a halt in front of Robin who clicks his stopwatch. I revert back to my human form and slump down on a boulder, exhausted.

Beast Boy: Time?

Robin: 1:56. That's gonna be tough to beat.

Beast Boy: See? I told you I could get a sub-2!

Cyborg: Booyah! That's my guy!

I down the rest of my water and give Cy a high five.

y/n: Are you telling me you didn't get hit by a single one of those boulders?

I look up in the direction of his voice as y/n, Raven and Starfire land on the ground beside Jinx, who had decided to train with the rest of us. She seems to be regretting it now, though.

Beast Boy: Nope. Guess you guys need to work on your aim.

I let out a chuckle as Raven rolls her eyes at my comment.

Raven: You know we're not supposed to be aiming for you, right?

Starfire: Oh... we are not?

Raven and y/n give Starfire a questioning look as she giggles innocently.

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