Ruan Ning smiled at him and sat down on the high stool.
  The staff poured her a glass of boiled water.
  The reason why Ruan Ning chose to sit here is because there is a TV screen here, which plays news in text.
  Ruan Ning recognized these characters, they were Chinese.
  The first news is about uploading, in short, everyone is encouraged to upload.
  If you don’t have money, you can take out a loan or sign various labor agreements.
  The second piece of news is about the high wall.
  Ruan Ning just looked at the map. The entire city is surrounded by walls. It is estimated that the cars outside cannot fly out.
  The news said that the high wall was attacked by monsters again. The smart center will send robots to repair it and remind people around them not to go around the high wall to avoid accidents.
  Ruan Ning held her head and imagined what kind of monsters were outside.
  "Is it a zombie or a dinosaur?"
  "This world uses Chinese, is it also a novel?"
  At this time, the screen in front of him changed and the third news item was played.
  [Yesterday, a purebred man tried to turn off the smart assistant on his own. This act was a Class A crime. With the approval of the smart center, it was executed by an A54 police robot and the man was shot. ]
  Ruan Ning: "Wow."
  Ruan Ning didn't say anything, but her eyes changed. At this time, a man sat down next to her and asked with a smile: "Do you understand?"
  Ruan Ning smiled at him: "What do you understand?" "What?"
  The man said: "You have been looking at the screen just now, I thought you were watching the news."
  Ruan Ning has no memory, but the smart assistant can provide storage services. As long as it sees people it knows, it will You can tell Ruan Ning the whole story.
  The man in front of him had a human face, his body was human, and his limbs were intact except for a leopard's tail.
  He is an intermediate gene fusion person.
  Compared with purebred people, his appearance has not changed much, but both his strength and speed are amazing.
  He is also Ruan Ning's "old customer".
  "Mr. Zhou, I'm just bored sitting here." Ruan Ning said: "Why don't you go to the stage to watch the show?"
  Mr. Zhou's tone was ambiguous: "I still like you more."
  The performers on the stage are now He is a man with six hands. Mr. Zhou really prefers the appearance of a purebred man.
  Ruan Ning smiled.
  Mr. Zhou asked: "Want to drink? I'll treat you."
  Ruan Ning shook her head: "I still have to work."
  At this time, the news on the screen began to play the second news repeatedly.
  Mr. Zhou could tell that Ruan Ning was interested in news, so he responded to his interest and said, "Do you want to know about the outside world? I can help you read the news."
  A smile spread across Ruan Ning's face: "Is this okay? I can listen to the story."
  Mr. Zhou reread the news on the screen that the wall was destroyed: "Information control is too strict now. In order to earn intellectual property fees, they don't even use machines to broadcast news, only text."
  " Do you want to save money to buy text recognition?"
  Ruan Ning thought to herself that I have recognition skills. She shook her head: "It would be better for me to pay off the debt early."
  After a pause: "Mr. Zhou, the news said that the high wall was attacked by monsters. We What monsters are there outside?"
  Mr. Zhou was not surprised that she didn't know: "They are aliens without implanted chips."
  Mr. Zhou saw her and said nothing: "Don't worry, although they have genetic modifications technology,

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