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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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  The system said: "Should. " "
  "If there is no nuclear war in the end of the novel, there is actually room for biological survival. Ruan
  Ning shook her head: "Even if there is a nuclear war, it is impossible for all living things to survive. Humanity may perish, but the earth will still exist."
  "Of course, it would be best if it happens or not, but this is not something that people can control. " "
  Around the island, you can touch the "seabed".
  Ruan Ning also found a reef.
  Ruan Ning is now in high physical fitness, and she saw marine life after half a day. Unfortunately, Zhou Sulan was not there, otherwise. Of course it can be raised.
  After thinking about it, she caught a crab without getting all the seafood ashore.
  There were also birds on the island, and Ruan Ning admired their heroic appearance.
  In the evening, the voyager set off again.
  Also I don’t know how long I stayed at sea. Anyway, sometimes in the northern hemisphere and sometimes in the southern hemisphere, Ruan Ning finally discovered traces of humans.
  It was not Noah’s Ark, but an ocean fishing team.
  Ruan Ning He made a prompt decision and affixed a cloaking device to the ship.
  The cloaking device is a high-tech product that can not only protect the naked eye but also avoid radar.
  From a distance, Ruan Ning took a look with a telescope and found that the ship was filled with foreigners. People, the target feels like the Southern Hemisphere.
  In the novel, the major ocean-going fleets love Antarctica the most. In addition to the glaciers that still exist, the large amount of Antarctic krill is their second love.
  This is known as the "human food bank" The creatures have now truly become the food bank of mankind until they are basically extinct.
  After passing by the fleet, Ruan Ning continued to look for the Noah organization.
  Later, Ruan Ning encountered the ship from the New Hope Base again, and the same Didn't say hello.
  For a while, although there was no movement on Chu Dingfeng's side, Ruan Ning gradually became anxious. If she could not find Noah's Ark again, she could only think of another way. On
  this day, there was a strong wind and waves on the sea. .
  This navigation vessel is awesome. Although it is only the size of a yacht, it will not capsize at sea.
  Ruan Ning finished her bath in the bedroom and started watching TV.
  She didn’t know what time it was, but the wind and waves outside stopped. , the system suddenly reported: "Host, there is a large ship ahead. "
  Ruan Ning's first reaction was to meet the ocean fishing team. She lazily climbed up from the boat and used the cloaking device on the voyager.
  But after getting close to the boat, Ruan Ning found something was wrong.
  Generally speaking, ocean fishing Although the fishing team is modern, they all adhere to the style of thrift, but there is music on this big ship.
  Ruan Ning raised her eyebrows: "Isn't this one of Noah's Arks? "
  The system said: "Do you want the host to come on board and take a look? Ruan
  Ning thought for a while, took out her diving suit and put it on. After entering the water, she put the navigation device into the space and swam to the big ship. She
  was careful during the process for fear of being taken into the whirlpool.
  Fortunately, she is really lucky now. She quickly found the railing on the side of the ship and climbed onto the cargo ship along it.
  She had an invisibility device on her body, so she didn’t have to worry about being discovered.
  Ruan Ning took off her diving suit. The clothes inside were a little wet, but they were still there. Tolerance range and so on.
  Soon, she found the entrance to the cabin.
  Entering inside, Ruan Ning raised her eyebrows.
  It was not the Noah organization, but it was also very lively and seemed to be having a party.
  Inside the cabin There were a lot of men and women, some were dancing, some were chatting, and the food on display was mainly seafood, as well as some canned food, water and wine.
  As for the people inside, they were mainly Caucasian.
  Ruan Ning was not familiar with this world. It’s too confusing, but at least I watched the Ten Days of News and recognized one of them as the former president of the big country next door.
  “Wow. Ruan Ning said to the system: "I have learned a lot." "
  The system judged based on the plot: "This should be the ocean-going command ship of the United States.
  Ruan Ning nodded: "80% yes. " "
  In this case, this ship is of no value to Ruan Ning. She was about to get off the ship when she suddenly heard a person say in English: "Our Noah organization is very sincere in cooperation. "
  Ruan Ning immediately stopped and stepped back.
  Looking at the appearance of the two people carefully, she did not know the interlocutor on both sides, but the person speaking was obviously a representative of the Noah organization.
  He was about thirty years old, white, and on the shore Human beings are different. He has a rosy face and a healthy body.
  In the apocalypse, he is simply a handsome guy.
  Ruan Ning decided to continue listening.
  The representative of the Noah organization said: "Our Noah organization has a production line that can make doomsday cans. As long as You provide us with fish, and we only charge 40% of the processing fee. "
  The representative of the United States here said: "Is Mr. Smith joking? "
  "40% impossible. "

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now