Tempting Death

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As a wall grows and blocks off Thane from the rest of the champions, Cradsha the god of chaos sits patiently in his own throne room for his special guest to arrive.


Thane found Cardsha sitting in one of two thrones.

Thane: Is this the real you...?

Cardsha: Don't worry...

The Scythe of Death wrapped around and pierced Thanes's Decayed body, as he branded the chaos blade and held onto the blade of Time.

Cardsha: Oooo. You're going to try to fight me?

Thane: Yes.

Cardsha: Even if I was your ally?

Thane: You aren't.

Cardsha: Hold that thought....

Cardsha:(smiles) Welcome Azrei!


His goddess entered the room, having gone with the plan of the gods to approach him whilst the others prepared to surprise Cardsha.

She wore a dress that could seduce any mortal into killing themselves just to see her.

She wore a dress that could seduce any mortal into killing themselves just to see her

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Azrei: Cardsha...

Thane: My lady...

Azrei: It's okay, Thane. You may stand down.

Azrei: I've come to talk Cardsha.

Cardsha: I know.

Azrei: You do?

Cardsha: I've set this all up... Just for you.


Cardsha: I have an offer, Azrei.

He begins patting the throne next to him.

Cardsha:(smiles) Join me.


Azrei: Join you?

Cardsha: Yes. Join me.

Standing up, his throne disintegrates as the second one grows larger and grander.

Cardsha: I realized something within the void...It was always obvious, but I had been too ignorant to see it.

Azrei: What is that?

Cardsha: You are superior.

This statement from him perplexed the two.

Cardsha: All of us gods are going to one day perish... But you will never. You are eternal for you are perish, decay, you ARE death.

Cardsha: It's you who should be in the lead, not Judor...

Cardsha: Join me. Lead me.

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