Chapter 26~ Lost has been found

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"Mom! Hazel is scaring me with her weird eyes again!"
Storm woke to the sound of kits meowing.
"For crying out loud, Domino!" An older cat's voice sighed. "It isn't that weird. And you're the one who kept asking her to do it!"
Storm stood up, yawned and stretched, then padded outside.
There were more cats outside- ones that se hadn't gotten to meet yet.
There were five kits, two black and white, and three Siamese. And the mother was Siamese.
"Good morning," Fiona purred from behind her. "You didn't get to meet Luna yet."
"No, I didn't," the gray she-kit agreed.

"I'm Pearl!" The darkest Siamese kit exclaimed. "And I wanna be a warrior! What was it like? Did you fight? Who was your leader? Why did you leave? If I was there, I would never leave!"
"Pearl!" Luna snapped. "Storm just woke up! Be nice!"
"Now, the rest of you, introduce yourselves."
"I'm Buddy!" The black and white one with a splotch of black under the nose yowled.
"I'm Domino," the kit who looked almost exactly like Buddy said quietly.

The two light lynx-point Siamese kittens that looked the same said at the same time.
"Why do you two-" Storm pointed at Cheesecake and Hazel. "-and you two-" she gestured to Buddy and Domino. "-look so similar, and Pearl doesn't?"

"No one knows!" Pearl purred. "But I'm happy I don't look like Buddy or Domino!"
"Hey!" Buddy sprang at her, and they tumbled around in the grass.
Meanwhile, Hazel was laughing so hard that she started coughing, and Cheesecake snickered, while Domino stayed silent, though he obviously thought it was funny.

"Hey, Storm?" Fiona said. "I had a strange... dream. I think I was supposed to tell you about it."
"Hmm?" Storm asked, not concerned. "what is it?"
"The two cats that came to me were kind of sparkly, and in a sparkly forest."

"Continue," she promped. Nothing clicked.
"The one was a brown tabby. She said her name was Leafheart. And the other one was white. She said her name was..."

"Waterheart?" Storm guessed. That seemed like so long ago. Her heart started aching. "What did they say?"
"They said, 'Nothing can calm the Rising Storm, and now lost has been found, so there is hope'. Then Waterheart said, 'the rising Storm needs to come home."

The Rising Storm: #2 Lost memoryWhere stories live. Discover now