Chapter 8~ Beans and Chess

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"Yes, we." Moon meowed. "I would like to go visit my mother again."
"A- are you sure?" Eagle asked cautiously. "It could be dangerous."
"Yes, it will be dangerous." The black and white she- cat nodded. "But more dangerous if there's one one cat- especially if that one cat has a broken leg."
Fern didn't like how her voice sounded. It made Fern sound... useless.
"That's true." Latte licked Fern's forehead.
Fern ducked and moved farther away from the she- cat.
"Fern." Smudge mewed, her big stomach swaying as she stood quickly. "Would you like to stay at our barn for the night? Beans knows a lot about healing. He can help you."
Fern shrugged. "I don't care." She licked her paw- trying to hold back a flinch. "I just don't like feeling useless."
Latte purred and licked Fern again. "See ya, little cat." She padded towards the field.
"I'm not that little." Fern hissed quietly.
She overheard Eagle.
"I see she's strong headed." He was whispering to his mate. "Moon will have her paws full."
She rolled her eyes and shook her grey fur. "Can we go?"
Moon purred in amusement. "Sure."

"Hi, little cat." A black and white tom greeted them as they entered a huge barn- bigger than Matt and Latte's.
When will everyone stop calling me little?!!
"My name's Fern, and that's what I go by, thank you very much."
"I'm Beans. Nice to meet you." He sniffed her leg. "Come with me. I'll get you a nest and we can have a look at that leg of yours."
Another black cat with white paws appeared beside Beans.
"Hi! I'm Chess. Brother of Beans, Snowstorm, Wilbur and Chance, son of Luna and Boots."
"Oh, quite an introduction." Fern mewed. "Am I supposed to know those cats?"
But they do sound familiar.
"Come, let's give this visitor a rest." Moon purred. "We have quite the journey to go on tomorrow."

All these cats are real!
Chess and Beans and all their siblings and their mother and father. All real cats.

Bye for now!!!

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