"I wish" You grumbled as you buried your face into your scarf, taking huge steps in the snow. "Damn fucking weather- ow !"

"Don't swear before we even got settled in, idiot" Your brother whacked you behind the head as he walked further in front of you.

"Asshole" You murmured as you entered last, shutting the door, not before catching the stares of a group of boys your age, eyeing you curiously. "Great, now staring weirdos" You scoffed and shut the door tight.

"Cherie, come take your boxes." You heard your father speak from the kitchen and turning the corner, you saw the pile of boxes and furniture that had yet to be set.

From what you observed of the house, it's a small yet decent size for the three of you with each your own rooms and an extra one. The walls of the sitting room you stood in mere minutes ago were a dark blue, with a fireplace surrounded by a wooden frame. As for the kitchen, the walls were white with some tills surrounding the counters, just beneath the drawers.

"Do I get to pick the room ?"

"First come, first serve" He shrugged as you ascended up the stairs before your brother could.

You went for the bigger one since you had your instrument set to put in place. Not to mention, your brother would manage with the small room since he didn't have much in the first place.

You placed the cardboard boxes and opened them to see what was inside each.

Books, figurines, more books, art stuff, plushies and your Lego structures you had to destroy to make some place. Seemed everything was here. Oh, and the clothes were there as well.

"Time to unpack" You whined, starting to place some books on the shelves. Luckily, your furniture was already set so you only had to move them where you wanted them to be.

As time went on, evening began to set and you heard your father call you downstairs.

"C'mon kids, we'll eat out for tonight" He held the door for you two as you walked to the car.

"I vote McDonald" Your brother raised his hand up after putting his seatbelt on.

"McDonald you basic bitch ? I vote Burger King" You retorted, earning a scoff from him.

"Guys let's not fight...I did promise your brother because he asked first, Cherie. We will go for Burger King next time, ok ?"

Your brother turned around with a smirk at you, as you ready your fist to punch him.

"Fine." You huffed and crossed your arms, glaring daggers at the back of your brother's head who kept snickering.


The cat was parked in the McDonald's parking lot and you all walked inside to order.

"Who would have thought South Park would have a McDonald ?" Your brother inquired and you shrugged in response.

"What will you guys get ?"

Your father entered the orders on the screen and sat down at one of the free tables.

"How are you enjoying it so far ?"

"Well, being stuck in the house, unboxing boxes, hasn't led us to explore and have an opinion yet" You sigh and plunge further into the seat. "All I can say is I hate the cold here"

"Haha, don't worry, you'll get used to it" He brushed it off as the food finally arrived.

"Enjoy." The waitress said as she made her way back.

"Fuck, they forgot my fries. Typical McDonald..." You said as you got up with the receipt to the counter.

As you waited for someone to assist you, you felt a poke on your shoulder. Turning around, you were met with a very familiar face.

"Y/N, is that you ?"

"Wendy ?"

The girl in front of you was about an inch smaller than you. Her black hair was longer but still vibrant and her face became more feminine, still with that heart shaped face. She wore a pink cardigan, with a white woolen sweatshirt underneath. She had a black skirt with a black belt with matching boots and leggings underneath.

"It's been...forever" She breathed out, slowly feeling awkward. "So, how come you're back ?"

"Didn't get a choice. My father really wanted us here again" You bluntly told her as you finally got a waiter to help you. "I ordered some fries and didn't get them"

"Sorry, I'll get some right away"

"How have you been ?" Wendy asked again.

You two met in kindergarten and she was the only one who you could call a friend. She's always been kind to everyone and very organized. Sadly, she had tried to push the bullies away but it never made much of a difference. She was also very popular for her beauty.

"Could have been better..." You sigh and finally look at her. You noticed she was observing a certain area on your face. "Take a picture, it will last longer"

"I'm so sorry" She had a red tint on her face as she swayed her hands in front of her. "I was just curious, how did you get that scar ?"

She pointed near the edge of your mouth, where a small yet distinctive injury was visible. You traced it with your finger.

"Long story..." It was a lie but you didn't feel like talking about it. "...what about you, how's life been treating you ?"

"Oh, it could be better as well. Sadly, Stan and I broke up...again." She frowned down, grasping her hands together. "But I'm sure we will fix it, like we always do !"

"You sound desperate."

"What ?"

"If the guy isn't gonna be willing to stay committed with you, leave his ass. I'm not entirely the right person when it comes to that and I don't even know the guy per say but, you're a hot chick, you deserve better" You shrugged and grabbed the pack of fries. "See ya at school, Wendy and good luck with that ass"

Wendy stood there, staring at your form that sat at the table in the corner, your expression still unfazed.

"Wendy, are you coming or what ?" A friend of hers calls her and she shakes the thoughts away and makes her way out. "What took you so long ?"

"Just...revisiting an old memory" She simply replied and looked out the passenger car window when she climbed into the car. The group was confused by her words but brushed it off.

"You're a hot chick, you deserve better"

The words kept repeating in her mind, and unknown to her, she was blushing from the compliment.


You were laying in your bed, legs crossed one on another and your arms lying behind your head.


You remembered having a crush on the girl back in elementary but always covered it up since you knew she was into guys.

"I really hope she finds someone good for her." You stood up and began getting yourself ready for bed.

You snuggled in the warmth of your covers and eventually fell asleep.




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