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YOU DIDN'T THINK you'd see the day you would be back at square one.

"Can't believe we're back here again..." You murmured as you sat in the back seat, your arms crossed.

"Awh Cherie, you're getting worked up over nothing. I'm sure those youngsters aren't like they were before. Hopefully..."


"Dad's right" Your brother cut in, his cigarettes hanging from his fingers over the car's window. He sat beside your father in the passenger seats. "Beside, if they give you shit again, you know how to put them in their place"

"Now, now, I'd rather not get called by the principal on your first day. Keep a low profile or do your breathing exercises, alright ? Just like we talked about"

"Mhm" You hummed as you looked out the window, seeing the sign.

South Park.

Raised and left through elementary school because you were bullied. The town itself sucked in general. The reason why you all moved here was because your mother passed away from cancer and without enough income for your old house, you all moved outside of the city.

"But I would like to know...why this shithole ?" Your brother looked over to your father, bringing the cig to his lips, taking in a breath and facing towards the window to exhale the smoke out.

"Because why not give it another try. Your mother dearly loved this place and I've heard it has evolved since then. Climate change also impacted the area. Snow is still common but we should get more summer weather. Apparently more businesses and a college were put in place as well."

If you had to describe your father, he was a gentle bear. Buff and big on the outside, but the sweetest man you'll ever meet. Always seeing the bright side of life. He also made the best brownies. It was hard to stay mad at him or even go against his suggestions. Funny enough, your mother was the total opposite.

She was absolutely intimidating and you found out she was a delinquent in her old days. However, she was very overprotective and caring to her family. She was ready to beat those kids herself when she found out about your treatment in school.

"Let's all do this for mom, ok ?" Your father proudly said, his eyes glancing in the rear mirror to you. "And remember, she's proud of you two."

The car stopped in the front garden of the house.

"C'mon you two, your old pop is gonna need a hand." Your father huffed out as he pulled the seatbelt off and climbed out the car.

"On my way" Your brother replied as he too got out of the car. "Are you helping or what ?" You heard his faint voice as he tapped on the glass.

"Yea, yea give me a sec" You told him and backed away to let you get out.

"The moving trucks should have dropped everything in already." You both turned to your father who turned the keys in the lock, successfully opening the door. "C'mon you two, or you'll catch a cold before school even starts"

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