Cristmas Special! Sonic Sans saves New Year and Merry Cristmas!

Start from the beginning

Sonic Sans: But what now? He was able to break the seal or grew powerful enough to do that? Sonic Sans theoritized. Already forming an idea of how this holiday might be in danger. Sonic thought that seal that Santa placed just grew weaker over time, while Grinch just grew more powerful as years passed. That's basic explaination. 

Santa: You are right. You see while my seal was powerful, it didn't have limitless power as neither me nor ToC has such power. Due to that reason seal eventually weaken through years and I have kinda forgotten about, due to my responsibility to uphold Cristmas or New Year. He managed to escape using his power. I am afraid he has grow too powerful for me to stop. I am not confident that even my power and ToC power can stop this Demon this time. Santa told Sonic, which got him thinking of the reason why he was needed in the first place. 

He understood, perhaps now he was the only one who can stop this Demon, before he destroyes Cristmas for good. Sonic definitely didn't want Cristmas and New Year to go away. So he of course will stop this Grinch. 

Sonic: In other words you know need someone powerful enough to stop that Grinch guy? Sonic affirmed, not asked. Santa just nodded because words were not needed here. He then motioned for Sonic to hop into his sanky. After that, he travelled beyond the world into his own dimension. Called Cristmas Dimension. 

They landed on land in front of Santa's house. Sonic Sans just wistled for sheer awesomeness of Santa's house. It looked for real like a factory. Santa smirked and appreaciated such attention to details, but they couldn't affort to waste time. 

They made it inside. Sonic growing more amazed at Santa's house. Inner working were dope. He saw as elves and yeetes worked together in combination to create perfect presents for everyone. Also coal too was there. Unsuprisingly so. 

Sonic Sans: That's awesome, but where is that Grinch fella? Sonic asked the most important question now. The more time passes the more time accumilated by this admittingly powerful demon. Santa signed as if annoyed. 

Santa: Grinch is very smart and calculating. He will strike, no doubt in last moments. So that I will fail Cristmas and it will be ruined. Perhaps even killing me and erasing this Tree. 

They waited for some time. Before something strange began to happen. Santa immeadiately noticed it and recognised this evil presence. This is none other than Grinch. The green monsters has come out of the portal(imagine Grinch from either movies or cartoons that how he looks). Something like that. 

Grinch: Well well

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Grinch: Well well. I am pleased that you are still around, Santa Claus. It wound't be fun, if you weren't, who were I gonna evict my revenge upon. That's it no one. But now I will make you suffer for the imprisoment you made me suffer through. Grinch said with eviction and determination. He knew that his power was now unstoppable and couldn't be sealed, no matter what Santa may try. 

Santa: Sonic try to deliver presents for Cristmas, I will try to hold him off long enough. Unfortunately you have little time as Cristmas is now in effect. He merged his power and ToC to make himself more powerful and he achieved some kind of form. He readied himself to face Grinch, while Sonic just took of with his presents. Delieviring them in no time at all, with ToC Sonic had access to all that is contained and connected inside of it. That's why he was able to deliever presents in other worlds, universes, multiverses all at once. 

Right now Santa faced Grinch. Unlike last time, where he managed to seal Gricnh. The demon learned his lesson, thus same tricks won't work anymore. Even when they first met, Santa's power alone was no match for this incarnation of evil and the opposite force to him and ToC. Only with ToC was he able to stop this threat. But now Grinch has grown and acquired too much time, even for him inside his new form, he wasn't able to do much. He couldn't even made a simply cut to Gricnh, that how unfair this fight is. Grinch possesed the power to kill Santa and erase ToC from existence, thus erasing Cristmas and with it other universe as they are connected, due to Cristmas being an important abstract concept. Grinch being powerful enough to erase it. 

Santa started to get weaker over time he was fighting in reality mere seconds passed. But for him and Grinch an unquatifiaby infinite time has passed and beyond that even. Santa was panting ToC power leaving him. He knew that he can't keep this form for long, so he decided to go all for nothing. He manaegd to catch Grinch with new technique, he devolopted all because of Grinch. It required to sacrifice himself as he needed to use all of his remaining power for this move. He managed to create an unbreakable sealing you can say. It will allow to seal Grinch, this time forever. Santa won't die for real as he is the Concept of Cristmas as long as it exists and ToC , he will never die. But he understimated Grinch's intellegence thinking that he will be cought in his plan. But Grinch managed to create clone of himself. Santa's last technique leaving him powerless, thus defendless against Grinch. Santa prepared for his last moment believing that he lost and Cristmas will be destroyed forever. Grinch too grinned for too pleased to finish off Santa. Until his attack was cough by a golden skeleton hand. This was Super Sonic Sans. 

He arrived moments earlier seeing Grinch already preparing to finish off Santa, but Sonic was not about to allow him to do that

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He arrived moments earlier seeing Grinch already preparing to finish off Santa, but Sonic was not about to allow him to do that. Of course he used his Super Form as it is currently his most powerful transformation. He kicked Grinch making him stumble. Grinch frowned and said. 

Gricnh: You skeleton can't stop me with whatever power you possess. I am evil and sealer of Cristmas. You cannot possibly stop me. I admit you are totally stronger than Santa that I faced right now. You are still nothing compared too me. Grinch said, only for him to be kicked in his gut by Super Sonic Sans. 

Super Sonic Sans: More fighting and less talking. Super Sonic simply stated. Mkaing his moves. Imcomrehensible amount of attacks in spam of not even calculable time. Grinch felt all of them at once. He felt fear as Super Sonic seemed even more powerful than him, which to him was impossible. 

Super Sonic then saw the place, where Grinch was previously sealed. So using his power and disappeated power that Santa's used, along with whatever power ToC could provide. Super Sonic was able to seal Gricnh, for good this time.  Super Sonic also healed Santa and restored his power, so he won't die from hsi previous suicidal move. 

Santa: Thanks Sonic for helping this year's Cristmas and me. I won't ever forget that. Santa stated. Super Sonic smirked and then powered down to base.

Sonic Sans: Don't metnion it. Can you sent me to time that I left with you? Sonic asked. Santa only smiled and waved his hand. Sonic found himself in familiar surrondings. He then smiled made way to his house. He with his friends and family celebrated Cristmas and New Year. But none was the wiser than he saved it. 

In end Super Sonic is seen flying in air and then disappearing in golden light leaving the words. 

Merry Cristmas and with New Year!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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