Chapter 2

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The same day 3:00 - 3:15 pm.

Sakura's home from school was a 15 minute walk. At the traffic symbol, everyone parted their ways to their homes in different directions while Charasuke and Sasuke stayed back on orders of their older brother Itachi.

"I need to talk to you both!" Itachi ordered.

"Yes Nii Chan" Both the twins asked in Unison.

"Hn" Itachi hned.

"Hn" Sasuke hned.

"Tf? Sasuke you need a dictionary" Charasuke commented.

"Stfu Charasuke" Sasuke snapped.

"Stop it both of you! Also wait for me at the staff room!!" Itachi commanded.

(A/n : Big brother rules.)

The twins obeyed him and waited for him in the staff room.


Sakura rang the bell of her house, just to be greeted by an angry blonde woman in her 30s.

"Look who finally shows up!" The lady exclaimed.

'The heck happened. Did she find out about my body pillows???? Or perhaps the body pillows I tried to hide' thought Sakura.

"Sakura I never expected this of you!"  The lady spoke in disbelief.

"Tsunade Aunt! I am sorry for eating the chocolate" Sakura innocently replied.

"You know well what is the matter Mrs Megumi!" Tsunade commented.

Tsunade well knew about Sakura's crush on Megumi Fushiguro. The raven haired man from Jujutsu Kaisen. The was strong, badass and good-looking, but most importantly he had black hair. Of course Tsunade had found out about her Megumi body pillow.

"Sakura are you really that downbad?" Tsunade asked in a gentle tone.

"I'm rlly sorry auntie!" Sakura apologised 

"But it's not a real boy so I will give you that!" Tsunade smiled and said

"Wdym?" Sakura asked Tsunade.

"If you had dated a real boy, I don't think he'd live to see the next sunrise after I had discovered him." Replied Tsunade with a wink.

"So you don't have a problem with my body pillows Auntie Tsunade?" Asked Sakura.

"Not really. But don't tell about this to your friends! Yeah, online friends can be an exception tho!" Tsunade spoke with a smirk.

(A/n : We all need an auntie Tsunade in our lives who's a weeb and is chill about online friends and stuff!!!)

"H-How?" Sakura let out, stuttering.

"Ne Sakura, I'm your auntie Tsunade." Tsunade smirked.

"Did you install a spy ware in my mobile or how??"

"One day you fell asleep while your mobile was on and you weren't logged out of anything! I took the opportunity and read your wattpad comments, books and stuff. You also have a discord ri8?" Tsunade asked with a smirk.

(A/n : A tip : Always log out of your wp and dc accounts before you go away from your mobile. Also before going to bathroom and dutifully before going to bed. Or best uninstall everything.) 

"Tf!! You shouldn't have done it!!" Sakura threw a tantrum.

"Sakura! I am not telling you to cut off your online friends! Just maintain a few boundaries! Have you blocked anyone till now?" Tsunade asked with concern.

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