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"Thank you. These smells delicious." Lisa hummed at the dish Jisoo had cooked. "Are you single? I could use a pretty girl who knows how to cook." She joked.

Jisoo grinned, softly tapping her shoulder. "If I was single, I would definitely let you get into my panties." She playfully winked before leaving.

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Jennie scoffed, placing the food into her mouth. "I see you flirt with both of my sisters. Pick a sister and stick to it."

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"I've already picked one. You're my main. Nobody in the world can compare to your beautiful ass, not even your sisters who are your carbon copies." Lisa said boldly. 

Jennie blushed, her eyes moving away from her ex-girlfriend. "We only have a few more presents then we're done. You have anything planned for afterward?" 

Lisa shook her head. "Tonight is game night at my brother's house, so he wants me to stop by, also Rosé wants me to try a new recipe she has discovered. I probably won't be there long since I'm tired." 

"Let's finish up here then I'll walk you out." Jennie tossed her the roll of tape. 


Lisa placed on her jacket, getting ready to leave and head to her brother's abode for game night. 

"Zip up your coat. It's freezing out there." Jennie zips Lisa's coat up for her. "Be careful driving too because the roads are a little icy tonight."

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