Chapter 15

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A Pirates Promise

Luffy's gaze darted around the bustling colosseum, his excitement momentarily giving way to concern. "Salome's here, so Hancock can't be far," he muttered to himself, his voice a blend of curiosity and slight worry. "Where is she? Hancock!" he called out, his voice rising over the noise of the crowd.

"Salome, where is Hancock? Wait, why is she here?" he asked, turning back to the snake, hoping for some clue. As he waited, the crowd's energy and the ongoing fights faded into the background.

To be continued...

moment of peace was short-lived. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she stopped in her tracks. A tense silence enveloped her, the noises of the market fading into a distant murmur. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned her surroundings. and she called out into the shadows, "I know you're there. What do you want from me?"her voice steady and authoritative.

As a soft chuckle resonated from the shadows, Hancock's spine tingled with a familiar sense of dread. "Well, well, Boa Hancock, always on guard, aren't you?" the voice sneered mockingly.

Narrowing her eyes, Hancock recognized the sinister tone immediately. "Doflamingo," she spat back with venom, her stance defensive and ready. "What do you want ."

From the darkness, Doflamingo emerged, his flamboyant attire contrasting sharply against the night, his sinister grin sending chills down Hancock's spine. He stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with amusement and malice. "Oh, my dear Hancock, why so hostile? I merely propose a deal," he cooed, his voice dangerously smooth.

Hancock crossed her arms, her expression defiant. "I have nothing to discuss with you, Doflamingo."

With a chilling laugh, Doflamingo revealed his awareness of her actions in Dressrosa and offered a devilish alliance. "Imagine, Hancock, ruling Dressrosa together."

Hancock's response was laced with disgust. "Alliance? With you? Why would I team up with you ."

But Doflamingo's next move was unexpected. He signaled to Trebol, who dragged out several children from the orphanage. Their cries pierced the night, "Ms. Hammock! Please help us!"

The sight ignited a ferocious anger in Hancock. "Release them now!" she demanded, her voice thunderous with fury.

Doflamingo's response was a wider grin. "See the stakes, Hancock? Join me, and they remain unharmed ensuring its people's safety without further bloodshed."

In a blur of motion, Hancock lunged at Doflamingo, aiming to take him down with one swift blow. But suddenly, she found herself ensnared by his invisible strings. The more she struggled, the tighter they constricted, binding her movements, cutting into her skin.

"Release me, you coward!" she roared, her anger fueling her determination.

But Doflamingo only laughed, enjoying the sight of her futile resistance. "Oh, Hancock, you're so predictable. But let me remind you, I hold the strings here."

Desperation surged within her. She knew physical strength alone wouldn't free her. Focusing intently, Hancock summoned her Conqueror's Haki, feeling it crackle through the air, challenging Doflamingo's control.

The moment of weakness in his grip was all she needed. momentarily weakened, Hancock's foot lashed out, slicing through the air with accuracy. Her heel made contact, leaving a deep cut across his face, a visible mark of her resistance. The sight of blood trickling down the smug face of her enemy brought a brief sense of sensation to her heart.

Doflamingo, now with a deep thin line of blood marring across his face, recoiled in shock and rage. His eyes, burning with fury, locked onto Hancock's. With a snarl, he jerked his hand, and the strings responded instantly, tightening around her with renewed ferocity.

Before Hancock could react further, she was hurled back by an invisible force, her body slamming into the hard wall behind her. The impact sent Pain exploding throughout her body Instinctively, she shielded her belly, The world spun violently around her she slumped to the ground, her energy draining. her heartbeat echoing, her vision blurring.

As Hancock lay on the ground, the cries of the children reached her, "Ms. Hammock! Ms. Hammock" In a haze of pain and dizziness, she felt her consciousness slipping away. But before darkness took her, she saw a drop of blood fall on the floor.

As her senses dulled, a single, vivid detail broke through the encroaching shadows – droplets of blood, her blood, splattering onto the cold ground.

Doflamingo's cold command cut through the air, "Bring her to me." He wiped his face with a cloth, smearing the blood she had drawn with her strike.

her necklace slipped from her neck and clinked softly against the stones, Doflamingo stooped to pick it up. The pendant flipped open, revealing a photograph of Hancock and Luffy. His malicious laughter echoed through the street, "Ah, how perfect. You'll fit right into my plan." The chilling sound was the last thing Hancock registered before she passed out completely.

Back at the inn, unease turned to alarm. Koala stood abruptly, her face etched with concern. "Hancock's taking too long."

Venus nodded in agreement, "She said she was visiting the children, but..." Their concern turned to alarm as they felt a surge of Haki - Hancock's Haki.

Sabo stood up, his expression grave, "Something's wrong."


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(Editing)A Pirate's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now