Chapter 3

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           a pirates promise

Reaching up to touch his cheek, Hancock said "Look after them for me, Dad." Her other hand rested upon her belly.

Rayleigh's smile shone with pride. "I will," he vowed.

With one last look at her home, Hancock ran, leaving behind the island and a piece of her heart. The chapter of her life at Amazon Lily was closing, but another one was just beginning.



Hancock ran through the dense forest, the sounds of battle fading into the distance. Emerging from the trees, she froze at the sight before her – a fleet of marine boats surrounding her ship. She needed to board without alerting them.

Treading lightly, she crept towards her ship. However, a sudden crunch underfoot her foot she had stepped on a branch.

Her heart pounded in her chest as the marines turned towards the noise. Without a second thought, she sprang into action,

With a swift turn, A sharp glance towards a marine, blue haki aglow, and, she cupped hand gleaming with power. He stiffened, his body rapidly turning into stone. A few others met the same fate, their shocked expressions frozen in time.

Taking advantage of their distraction, she dashed towards her boat. Recovering from their surprise, the marine commander barked,

"Get ready to fire!"

bombardment rained explosives whistled through the air around her , hitting the water around her in explosive bursts. The marines caught up to her boat and jumped aboard.

The boat rocked violently, causing her to lose her balance. She toppled over, her hand instinctively moving to protect her belly.

usually so full of humor and mischief, were now hardened with hatred.

"Stay away from me," she hissed, her voice Hancock's chilling command echoed across crashing waves, her normally velvet voice curdling to venomous loathing. Before the marines stood

Hancock's eyes flashed a dark blue, Through sweat-slicked brows her hand graphing her swollen stomach cupping her hand  she

emanated purple light. A marine collapsed into rough-hewn stone, his epitaph a frozen Rippling outward, more was stoned

Within moments an entire fleet stood in grim tribute, the Empress' vengeance distilled upon weathered stone.

Hancock then boarded her ship, steering it away from the marine boats. As the ship sailed into the open sea, Hancock's rigged breaths calmed, nostrils flaring fiercely.
she breathed a sigh of relief.

Exhausted, Hancock collapsed upon the deck,Salome's familiar coils embracing her weary frame. As darkness threatened her mind, tear-filled eyes met Salome's loving gaze. 

Only here could she could cry, vulnerabilities fully bared. Within Salome's maternal cradle, tears poured free with racking sobs. Thoughts echoed in her fading mind - "if only he was here"

"Luffy...I see you again..."

She closes her eyes looking at the photo Luffy gave her

Salome's coils tightening protectively in slumber's onset lent intimacy. Hancock's ragged breathing finally calming down as she sleeps . Under the moonlit night sky, Hancock cradled her belly and fell into a deep sleep.

as the ocean waves carried them.

Somewhere else...

The gentle swish of waves echoed in the air, caw of birds flying overhead. In this middle of the ocean , a boat with a lion's head stood out – the Thousand Sunny, the boat of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy, the captain himself, sat on the figurehead, his straw hat tipped low over his eyes. He gazed at the horizon, his face illuminated by the setting sun.

Suddenly, a voice called out from behind him. "Captain, we're about to start dinner. You coming?"

Luffy turned to see Usopp standing at the ship's helm, a ladle in one hand. The smell of simmering soup wafted from the ship's kitchen, making Luffy's stomach growl in response.

"I'll be right there, Usopp," Luffy replied, his gaze returning to the horizon. There was a far-off look in his eyes.

Usopp nodded and returned to the kitchen, leaving Luffy alone with his thoughts and the setting sun. As Luffy rose from the figurehead, the wind whispered, "I see you then, Luffy."

Luffy turned around quietly.



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(Editing)A Pirate's PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now