Chapter 5

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        A pirates promise

As if on cue, a small piece of paper slipped from the pocket of Hancock's coat, fluttering down to the floor. It landed in the middle of the room, its presence seemingly as shocking as the news they had just learned.

Everyone in the room turned their gaze to the fallen paper


The crumpled paper lays on the floor Sabo's picks it up the worn edges of the bounty poster revealing a familiar face. It was none other than Luffy, his signature grin radiating even through the faded ink.

"Sabo?" Koala's inquiry broke the silence, her eyes darting between Sabo and the poster. "Is that... Luffy?"

He gave a confirming nod, holding the poster with a steady grip. Silence fell back onto the room, heavy and expectant.

Hancock was the one to disrupt the quiet. "Luffy is the father," she admitted, her voice as soft as a whisper, yet filled with resolve. Her eyes remained fixed on the flyer, her expression a
With a solf smile with vulnerability. "He doesn't know."

Her words went through the room, leaving them shocked . Sabo and Koala shared a startled glance

Hancock affirmed the truth once more, her voice stronger this time. "Luffy is the father," she restated

Sabo approached Hancock cautiously, "Hancock," he began, his tone gentle yet insistent. "Why didn't you tell Luffy? He needs to know."

The room plunged into a tense silence again, the anticipation of Hancock's response hanging heavy in the air.

"Because Luffy's dream is to be the Pirate King, and I didn't want to get in his way," she finally responded, her voice rising slightly with conviction.

Once her words had filled the room, there was only silence
resonated with everyone in the room. Sabo found himself at a loss for words

Hancock remained silent, lost in thought, her gaze shifting between Luffy's grinning face and the endless sea outside. When she spoke, her voice was barely louder than the waves, lined with pain and affection.

"Luffy has always followed his heart without restraint. His dream of becoming Pirate King burns as fiercely within him as the sun above. And that's what  I love that about him..."

She trailed off, eyes glistening. After a breath to steady her resolve, Hancock continued. "But a child would demand responsibilites that could douse that flame before its time. I...I didn't want to be the one to take away Luffy's freedom."

The room fell silent once more as Hancock's whisper faded. Koala and Sabo exchanged a glance,

Koala was the first to break the silence . "This is a lot to take in," she said gently. Turning to Hancock, she continued, "You've been through so much. But know that you have our support now."

Hancock met her gaze, tears welling again at Koala's kindness. She went to speak but words failed her in that moment.

Sabo watched their interaction thoughtfully. Finally, he said, "Koala's right. For now, rest and recover your strength." His tone was reassuring yet resolute.

"In the coming days, we'll discuss the safest path forward. But whatever you decide, you won't face it alone." Sabo paused, a soft smile emerging. "Somehow I think when Luffy finds out, he'll be happy about this new adventure !"

A watery chuckle escaped Hancock at Sabo's prediction of Luffy's reaction. Some tension left her shoulders, and she leaned back, exhausted but reassured.

Koala beamed at Sabo, always impressed by his leadership. With final smiles for Hancock, they exited to grant her peace. Hancock watched as they left closing the door being them The sun's rays warmed the wooden walls. She slowly closes her eyes happy that she was getting help.

 She slowly closes her eyes happy that she was getting help

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(Editing)A Pirate's PromiseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant