Chapter 11

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A Pirates Promise

"She's strong," Rayleigh replied, folding the letter. "And she's not alone  that's all I needed to know."

He paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "And there's more. She's expecting the baby soon."

The room buzzed with quiet excitement, hope and joy among the warriors.

To be continued...


Chapter 11

Hancock sank into the plush chair, savoring the gentle caress of the ocean breeze drifting through the open window. Her hand lovingly glided over her swollen belly as the baby kicked up a storm. "Not long now, my treasure," she cooed softly.

A smile played along her lips, dreaming of her family—grandpas, aunties, uncles, brave and kind. "If your a boy, your name will be Ace, to honor your noble uncle. But a girl you shall be Luna, for the moon's pale beauty."

Hancock's hand lingered on her belly lovingly. "Soon you'll join this world, surrounded by love." Her eyes fell contemplative on her bump. "And maybe your father will greet you too."

Her mind drifted to the strange dream from nights before. A lovely voice had whispered "Calypso"... who was Calypso?

Hancock's eyes glowed a external purple light. Then Koala's voice cut through - "Hancock?"

Hancock remained lost in thought, her usually composed features showing a hint of worry. Koala gently shook her arm. "Are you alright?"

Hancock jumped, eyes flickering with an uncharacteristic hint of alarm. "Oh Koala, I'm fine," she said, placing a hand over her rapidly beating heart. Seeing Koala's concerned expression, Hancock offered her a reassuring smile.

'Hey, I'm alright. I was just lost in thought for a moment.'

Koala smiled back, relief relaxing her features. 'O...okay,' she said a little hesitantly. 'You had me worried for a second!'"

"Well , Sabo requests our presence in the planning room right away."

Hancock gave a gracious nod. "Then let us see what the sabo needs.

With Koala's help, Hancock rose and began following her towards Sabo's office, one hand gently cradling her belly.

Hancock followed Koala through the halls of Headquarters, making their way to Sabo's office. Upon entering, they found him poring over maps and documents detailing the surrounding island nations.

Sabo looked up with a smile. "Ah, ladies. Just the people I wished to see. I have an important mission that could use your skills."

Hancock raised an eyebrow. "A mission."

"We've received word that suspected weapons smugglers have set up an operation in Dressrosa," Sabo explained. "They aim to stir conflict and undermine stability across the New World. I want to you two to come with me undercover to infiltrate and gather intel."

Koala chimed in, "Subterfuge is my specialty. With Hancock drawing less attention now, it could work."

Sabo continued to explain the mission details when there was a polite knock at the door.

"Come in," Sabo called.

The door opened to reveal Dr. Venus, carrying a medical bag. "You wished to see me, Commander Sabo?"

"Ah, Venus, perfect timing. I was just outlining our next operation to Hancock and Koala." Sabo gestured her inside.

"There have been weapons shipments spotted in Dressrosa," he continued. "I'm sending our intel team there undercover. As Hancock is close to her due date, I'd like you to accompany them in a medical capacity, just in case."

Hancock thought, *Sabo knows just what I was thinking.*

Venus nodded calmly. "Of course, ensuring the health and safety of all crew is my priority."

Hancock studied the doctor. "Think you can handle any situation that may arise, doctor?"

"I've trained extensively in all forms of first aid and combat triage," Venus assured. "You have my word I'll do everything within my power to support the mission objectives and those involved."

Her calm competence put Hancock at ease. "Welcome to the team, then."

Sabo concluded, "We set sail tonight."


-Women's Quarters-

As Hancock returned to her quarters to prepare. "Looks like we're going on a mission, Salome", she murmured happily, stroking her smooth coils in gratitude. Salome blinked her solemn golden eyes, breaths slowing in bliss.

Her baby kicked more, and Salome rubbed her head on Hancock's stomach. Hancock giggled "Looks like where going on a mission tonight Salome " Hancock murmured happily , stroking smooth coils in gratitude. Salome blinked solemn golden eyes, breaths slowing in bliss.

under Salome's calming aura, Hancock rose to prepare for the coming mission. She glanced beneath the bed and started - there lay her precious picture-locket of Luffy, snagged on something hidden within darkness.

Frowning, Hancock carefully tugged her locket free from beneath the bed, noticing an odd weight. Emerging into light revealed her locket wrapped around a miniature candle flame frozen in silvery stone.

She gasped softly. "How strange..." When she touched the flame, it wavered back to flickering life. Her eyes widened at this mystery.

A knock interrupted her thoughts. Venus stood in the doorway, medical bag in hand. "Are you ready? The ship sets sail on the evening tide."

Hancock nodded, blowing out the candle to ponder another time. She turned her focus to final preparations.

That night, Hancock stood on deck as the island fell away. Salome coiled protectively beside her swollen belly as her baby kicked excitedly.

Gazing at the rising moon, Hancock whispered into the breeze, "see you soon, Luffy, I promise."


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