The Tell

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Ashton groaned as he opened his locker, seeing a lacrosse ball sitting at the bottom, a note attached to it.


"The ball for the first game you watched.
Happy birthday, Ash.
Sincerely, Jax."


Ashton chuckled, putting the ball into his bag before putting the note in his locker, sticking a thumbtack in it, right next to a picture of him and Allison.

Ashton jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. "Good morning to you too?"

Wesley chuckled. "Happy birthday, Ash."

Ashton shrugged, one of his hands resting over Wesley's wrist, the other working to close his locker. "It's just a day."

"I have an idea, actually." Wesley informed, releasing his hold on Ashton.

Ashton turned, leaning his back against the locker. "Which is?"

"How about, instead of stay-"

He was interrupted as Allison jogged over, wrapping an arm around Ashtons shoulder.

"Yes Ally?"

"I'm leaving." Allison informed. "Gonna hang out with Scott for the day."

Wesley cleared his throat. "I was actually going to suggest that."

Ashton looked between the two. "Skipping?"



Ashton paused, thinking.

"Yeah, let's go."

"I'm surprised you didn't want to go with your sister and McCall." Wesley said, walking into his bedroom and sitting down on the bed, resting his head on Ashtons lap.

Ashton shrugged, playing with the ring Wesley had on. "I trust her to stay safe."

Wesley chuckled. "But not Scott?"

"Absolutely not."

Wesley laughed, gently hitting his stomach before sitting up. "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

Ashton smiled, chuckling. "You did bring up wanting to show me the Harry Potter movies on our date."

Wesley nodded, reaching behind him and grabbing his remote, quickly working to start the movie.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask." Ashton started, leaning against the headboard. "Why aren't your parents home?"

Wesley paused, a nervous chuckle escaping him. "About that. This?" He stated, motioning to his room. "It's a group home."

"Group home? Like-"

"For foster kids." Wesley nodded, shrugging it off.

Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall x OC☆)Where stories live. Discover now