Second Chance At First Line

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Ashton flipped the knife in his hand, feeling the handle balance in the palm of his hand.

"Remember, get in and then get out." Chris reminded, looking to the three other hunters around the room, each holding a different type of knife or gun.

"Who we goin' after?" Another hunter asked, Ashton could never remember his name though, mainly because he was new and reckless. Meaning he wouldn't last for long, just like the others who shared his unsatisfactory traits.

"A young adult, he's a werewolf. One of the calaveras saw him attacking some teens in Mexico. He tried to flee here, but his injuries landed him in the hospital. Where we'll take care of him." Argent explained, loading his .45 in a quick trained motion before sliding it into his waistband.
"Now, I'll find the guy, it'll be quick and easy. You need to keep the room unoccupied."

The same hunter, the new one, pointed his knife towards Ashton, his eyes curious and almost, mocking.
"And him?"

"Extra set of hands, if it's necessary." Ashton informed, winking to the hunter. "And I suggest pointing the knife elsewhere, before my father decides to waste a bullet on you."

The hunter let out a scoff, shaking his head as he returned the knife to his belt. He quickly corrected himself, however, when Chris did in fact flash his loaded gun to the hunter in warning.

"Now, we ready?"

Ashton sighed as he sat in the waiting room, phone in pocket, just in case the emergency text came in.

Ashton turned as he saw the door open, in walking Jackson and a taller dark haired male, both wearing the lacrosse jerseys.

"Danny, seriously, I'm fine." Jackson complained as Danny sat him down, giving him the universal 'we both know that's a lie look.'

Danny sighed, shaking his head.
"Don't matter, dude. Coach wants someone with you a-"

"I'll stay."

Both boys, Jackson and Danny, turned their heads to Ashton, who was only a seat away from them.

"And who might you be, exactly?" Danny mused, a hint of friendliness, but mainly interest, seeping into his tone.

"Ashton Argent." Ashton introduced, nodding to the raven haired guy as Jacket let out a breath.

"See? He'll be here. Just go. Before Lydia has a meltdown." Jackson said, catching Danny's attention again.

Danny, after a few minutes and many many words of pleading from Jackson, left the hospital. Reminding the two to call if needed.

Jackson looked towards Ashton as the two sat, now, alone in the waiting room. "Why are you here anyways?"

Ashton frisked his brain for a response. He knew Jackson was Lydia's boyfriend, he knew Lydia was Allison's new-found bestfriend, which meant whatever he told him would get passed to his sister.
"My dad had to meet here for work, one of his clients had an appointment today so it made sense."

"Uh-huh." Jackson replied, one of his elbows moving to rest on the arm of the chair, his hand pressing against his shoulder as he narrowed his eyes at the Argent. "And why did you come?"

"Boredom?" Ashton shrugged, crossing his arms. "Allison is doing some shopping shit with our mom, and I had nothing better to do."

Jackson gave a humorless smile. "You could always try out for lacrosse, or cross-country. Or any sport, or club really."

Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall x OC☆)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora