Off The Record

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                                                             ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

I was stirred from my sleep by the gentle rays of sunlight that filtered through the curtains. As consciousness gradually overcame the remnants of dreams, I found myself in a state of semi-awareness. The warmth of the bed enveloped me, and a soft exhale brushed against the nape of my neck.

The events of the previous night flooded my mind, and a flush of warmth tinged my cheeks. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the morning light. Velvet lay beside me, my arms wrapped around her, her features softened by sleep. Stray emerald strands framed her face, and her lips were slightly parted.

Her eyes, still heavy with sleep, fluttered open when I shifted, meeting mine in a moment of shared awareness. The air between us felt charged in the silence of the morning.

"Good morning," I offered, my voice a hushed murmur, not wanting to disrupt the delicate tranquility that lingered in the room.

Velvet's lips curved into a faint smile, and she stretched lazily, her movements fluid and unhurried.

"You know, I think I'm going to get you new sheets. You never told me these were so rough," Velvet said, yawning.

"Velvet, these sheets probably have a thread-count of a million. They are the best things I have ever slept on."

"Meh, I'll get you new ones before you go to bed again. Or, you could just sleep in my bed tonight..." She giggled at my shocked expression.

Velvet shifted towards me, one hand falling on my arm. "Look, Y/N, I just want to make sure I wasn't too rough or mean last night. Everything was so sudden, and I was frustrated. Mostly with you, but also with myself. But, I meant what I said. I want to make this work."

The sunlight cast a soft glow on Velvet's face as she spoke, her words walking the delicate line between vulnerability and determination. The blankets rustled as she shifted, her gaze unwavering.

I met her eyes, a mixture of surprise and curiosity playing on my features. "New sheets or not, Velvet, I'm not complaining," I replied with a teasing grin, attempting to ease the tension in the air.

She chuckled, the sound echoing with a warmth that filled the room. As Velvet's fingers traced patterns on my arm, I realized that I truly believed her. No matter what Raffia had said - the way Velvet was acting with me now, truly vulnerable and human instead of the stoic popstar she normally was - I just couldn't imagine her throwing me to the side.

I decided to answer her question truthfully. "It was... unexpected," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "But not too rough, or mean. I enjoyed every bit. It's just a lot to process."

Velvet nodded, a solemn expression settling on her features. "I get it. I'm not used to sharing this side of myself, especially not with someone about." She said the last words in a whisper.

Leaning in, Velvet pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead, a tender gesture that spoke volumes. "Y/N, we can take this as slow as you need. I don't want to rush anything. Just tell me what you're comfortable with."

Her sincerity was everything. I offered a small smile, appreciative of the genuine effort she was putting into bridging the gap between us. "Let's figure it out together, Velvet. And for the record, I appreciate the sentiment about the sheets. Even though these are perfect as is."

She grinned, her eyes lighting up with a playful glint. "Consider it my way of apologizing for any 'inconvenience' caused last night."

As Velvet shifted to a sitting position, the blanket draped over her form slid, revealing the subtle contours of her silhouette. She ran a hand through her tousled hair, a gesture that felt oddly intimate in the moment.

ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅᴀɴᴛ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ (Velvet x Fem Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang