Behind the Velvet Curtain

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The next morning, I awoke to the grating buzz of my alarm, gradually shaking off the remnants of sleep. I rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes and indulged in a satisfying stretch, appreciating the restful night I had experienced on the comfortable mattress. Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, I allowed my toes to meet the cool touch of the marble floor. It was only at that moment that I lifted my gaze to take in my surroundings.

On the door of the expansive closet hung an array of exquisite designer dresses and sophisticated business attire. Each outfit boasted a distinctive and elegant flair that drew me in. Approaching them with a mixture of awe and curiosity, I couldn't help but run my fingers gently over the luxurious fabrics, wondering whether these garments were worth more than I had earned in my entire life.

A note delicately attached to one of the outfits caught my attention:

Noticed you didn't have too many professional outfits in your bag. Wear this one today. Btw, I threw out your bag. - Veneer

My gaze shifted to the corner where my faithful bag had been left, and true to Veneer's message, it was nowhere to be found. The gesture left me both grateful for the unexpected wardrobe upgrade and slightly uneasy about the disappearance of my belongings.

How did I not notice anyone in my room?

I had no time to wonder for too long, though, as the twin's itinerary had me downstairs making breakfast by 6 a.m. sharp. I threw on the chosen outfit, a loose-fitting white blouse and tan straight-legged pants, and struggled into a pair of heels (also left in the closet. Seriously, how did I not hear Veneer in my room?).

5:45 rolled around and I was out the door, giving myself a few extra minutes to find my way to the kitchen. Once there, I paused.

Damn. They never told me what they like to eat.

Scouring the pantry and fridge, I gathered basic ingredients and, finding an apron, secured it around my waist. My aim was to whip up a breakfast capable of eliciting a smile even from the typically stoic Velvet.

I was immersed in the familiar motions of making an omelet when I heard movement behind me. Turning, I found Velvet watching me.

She was wearing a pink silk robe wrapped loosely around her body, and her hair was still slightly crumpled from sleep. By the look on her face, I could tell that she was not a morning person, and from the looks of it, did not like to be up this early. Honestly, though, I thought she was still drop-dead gorgeous.

I smiled and greeted her warmly, asking how she slept. She grumbled something in response under her breath and plopped down at the kitchen island.

"I'll have breakfast ready in a minute, ma'am. Will your brother be down soon?" I asked.

"Veneer will be here at the last second, as usual," she replied, folding her arms across her chest with evident frustration at her brother's habitual tardiness.

As if summoned by the conversation, Veneer casually strolled into the kitchen just as I set the plates down. Simple omelets adorned with peppers and goat cheese, accompanied by a side of bacon and sliced strawberries – a dish reminiscent of weekends spent cooking with my parents. I hoped the twins would find the flavors as comforting as I did.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! How did you sleep?" Veneer greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, sir. I slept well, thank you," I replied, trying to maintain the formality that Velvet seemed to prefer.

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