Behind Closed Doors

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                                                              ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

I was holed up in my room.

After I left Velvet in the dressing room, I made a beeline to the closest bathroom. I locked myself in a stall, trying my hardest not to break down, but I couldn't help myself.

I knew that Velvet didn't actually care for me. I had seen her with other girls at clubs and bars; all of those hookups had no meaning to her. What she just did was no different.

This job, this life I had now, it's just too good to throw away to be one of her many flings. No matter how badly I wanted her to touch me...

Leaning against the cold, tiled wall, I took a shaky breath. The sting of rejecting her still lingered, and I couldn't shake the hurt and longing that settled in my chest. I wanted to believe that Velvet's words were genuine, but my past observations told a different story.

I had fallen in love with how she acted, her routine. The way she was so passionate about her work and how she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. I know that she didn't see me the same way. I am and always will be just an employee to her.

The soft hum of the venue's activities outside the bathroom provided a muffled backdrop to my internal turmoil. I wiped away the stray tears, angry at myself for allowing my vulnerability to seep through the cracks at a time like this.

As the minutes ticked away, I forced myself to straighten up and compose my appearance. The bathroom door creaked open, revealing the bustling backstage world beyond. With a deep breath, I stepped out, determined to wear a facade of professionalism, concealing the emotional turmoil beneath.

The backstage chaos had gotten worse, with crew members rushing to dismantle the stage and clear the venue. The twins' success had drawn massive crowds, and ensuring their safety became a top priority to me. I still had a job to do.

I quickly reached for my phone, my fingers tapping out a series of messages. First, I arranged for an additional layer of security and a waiting limo for Velvet and Veneer, ensuring their safe departure from the venue. My commitment to their well-being was unwavering, regardless of the emotional storm brewing within me.

Once the arrangements were confirmed, I took a moment to compose myself. The backstage atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, but I felt detached, a spectator to the jubilation surrounding me. My thoughts remained entangled in the recent events with Velvet.

Feeling satisfied that my work here was done, I hailed a cab for myself. I needed distance, time to go home and process everything and figure out the best way to proceed. The cab arrived promptly, and I slipped into the back seat, instructing the driver to take me back to the penthouse.

As the cab navigated through the city's neon-lit streets, my mind raced with conflicting emotions. The success of the performance clashed with the lows of my personal revelations. The city lights blurred into streaks of color, mirroring the blurred lines between my professional and personal life.

Upon reaching the penthouse, I paid the cab fare and ascended the elevator. The silence within the penthouse echoed the hollowness I felt inside. Closing my door behind me, I sank onto my plush bed, contemplating the complexities of my relationship with Velvet.


That was an hour ago. Now, I was laying face-down on my bed, stressed out of my mind and exhausted. I didn't even have the energy to remove my makeup and change into something comfortable.

ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅᴀɴᴛ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ (Velvet x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now