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Velvet was drunk. I mean, blackout drunk. Like, I'd never seen anyone consume so much and still hold it together-until she downed those shots of $300 vodka with Jaye Bee.

Now, she lay sprawled facedown on the limousine seats, muttering something about purple sequins. On the other side of the limo, Veneer brought a group of scantily dressed individuals, all entangled with each other, creating a scene more suited to a wild carnival. Sandwiched awkwardly between my two bosses, I sat with folded hands in my lap, contemplating the events of the night.

After Velvet's (painstakingly long) rendezvous with the mystery girl, they went their separate ways, and the twins dove headfirst into a night of relentless partying and hard drinking. Velvet transformed into a completely different person, and I suddenly understood why Veneer had that hangover concoction on hand. Thankfully, Velvet hadn't gotten handsy with anyone else that night. I was still contemplating what my feelings were for her and how to handle them.

They attempted to lure me onto the dance floor at one point, but I tactfully declined, fearing it might be a setup leading to the demise of my professional career. However, as the clock struck two in the morning, I found myself single-handedly warding off three persistent (and creepy) admirers alone and realized it was time to extract the party animals from their revelry.

Groans from Velvet brought me back to reality, and I turned to look at her. Her hair fell gently over her face, which was now turned to the side, peaceful in sleep. Her eyes were closed, and a serene expression graced her features, momentarily erasing the sophisticated mask she wore during daylight hours, or the crazy one at night. The dim glow of city lights outside painted her in soft hues, and for a moment, I marveled at the unexpected tranquility that alcohol-induced oblivion had brought to the usually fierce and composed Velvet.

Suddenly, Velvet shifted, maneuvering herself to lay her head on my lap. She sighed contentedly, her arm reaching out to hold mine. My heart raced as I hesitated, nervous about her waking up and seeing what was going on. She was soon snoring, and I stroked her hair gently as we traveled towards the twins' penthouse.


As the limousine glided to a stop in front of the building, Velvet stirred from her alcohol-induced slumber, blinking groggily. I gently disentangled myself from her and helped Veneer usher the rest of the partygoers out of the vehicle and away from the building. The carnival-like scene seemed to dissipate into the night, leaving behind a trail of laughter and muffled music.

With the twins safely inside the penthouse, I prepared to make a discreet exit to my room, but Velvet, now draped over Veneer for support, had other plans. She turned towards me with bleary eyes, a drowsy yet mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Y/N," she mumbled, her words slurring slightly, "come help me get ready for bed."

I hesitated, caught off guard by the unexpected request. Veneer shot me an apologetic look, clearly realizing the precarious situation. Velvet, oblivious to my internal dilemma, clung to Veneer like a lifeline.

"Velvet, maybe you can manage on your own tonight," Veneer suggested, attempting to steer her towards their rooms.

But Velvet, in her intoxicated state, was having none of it. "N-no, no, Y/N's coming. Y/N's my favorite."

Before I could respond, I found myself being led down the hallway, Velvet now pulling me instead of holding onto someone.

"Come on, Y/N," Velvet insisted, tugging at my arm. "You're helping me tonight."

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