Unexpected Capture

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                                                                  ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

I was learning very quickly that retail 'recuperation' was NOT for the weak. I was practically a walking bag hanger at this point, and I had viewed millions upon millions of outfits, accessories, and shoes.

After breakfast, Velvet and Veneer had gotten dressed and loaded me into a car with them, promising me that they would only make a few stops. As we entered the shopping district of Mount Rageous, however, Velvet and Veneer's eyes sparkled with the anticipation of spending exorbitant amounts of money.

I followed the two as we stepped into the first designer store, standing timidly behind them as they started selecting items off the shelves, not giving any thought to the prices. Not long after, they were both trying things on in the dressing rooms, barking orders at me about getting them sizes and color variations, and asking my opinion, even though they both knew my fashion sense was nonexistent. Besides, I thought they both looked great in everything.

When they finished loading things into the dressing rooms, I collapsed into a chair and obediently waited.

Velvet emerged first from the dressing room in a sleek, midnight-blue gown that hugged her body perfectly (of course). She examined herself in the large standing mirrors, her expression unreadable. Veneer, always the playful one, whistled in approval.

"Vel, you could make a potato sack look fashionable," he teased.

She shot him a withering look before turning to me. "Y/N, what do you think?"

I stammered, caught off guard by the direct question. "It looks... amazing, ma'am. Very elegant."

Velvet nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Good. We'll take it."

As the day progressed, the shopping frenzy continued. Each store we entered seemed to escalate in price, and my arms were quickly becoming full with bags from high-end designers. Velvet remained focused on herself and the stores, her only concern the next exclusive item to add to her collection, not on me or what had happened last night.

Honestly, I almost preferred it this way, though. I was still grappling with the confusion from the previous events. Was it normal for celebrities to treat their employees this way? At times, it seemed like she despised the thought of me, but then there were moments like last night when she invited me into her bed and asked me to undress her. I couldn't shake the feeling that I might just be a plaything to her, nothing more.

On the flip side, Veneer injected a bit of positivity into the process. He'd occasionally throw an arm around my shoulder, one time whispering, "You're doing great, Y/N. The bag carrier is a very crucial role." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed lightly, thankful for the ease he brought to this intense shopping spree.

Around lunchtime, we stopped at a small cafe on a corner, surrounded as usual by paparazzi. Fortunately, Velvet had permitted me to deposit the multitude of bags in their car, providing a much-needed respite for my weary arms. Velvet and Veneer ordered salads, but I refrained from lunch. Even with the promised doubled salary from the bodyguarding experience, I was running low on free cash while I was paying off my past debts.

As Velvet and Veneer dug into their food, they noticed my empty plate and exchanged glances.

"Y/N, why aren't you eating?" Velvet inquired, her gaze piercing.

Caught off guard, I quickly scrambled for an explanation. "Oh, you know, I'm on this new health kick. Only liquids during the day, you know? Cleanses the system."

Veneer raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Really? You seemed fine at breakfast."

I nodded, trying to maintain a casual demeanor. "Yeah, well, I had a little bit of a cheat-meal, and I don't want to overdo it."

ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅᴀɴᴛ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ (Velvet x Fem Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat