Tattoos and visitings parents

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I got a Medusa tattoo on the top, side of my rib cage. It's small with single line details that are intricate which made it take as long as it did. It represents what I went through twice and how I survived it, I survived him and what he did.
My second tattoo is a flower, a carnation, it looks beautiful because it's not too over the top or dramatic. It's not too big or too small, it's the perfect size and sits on the opposite side of my rib cage to the Medusa one.

What makes it so special though is the stem at the bottom where he has drawn no leaves, instead there is a semicolon within it. The detail is small enough not to stick out but if you look close enough you can see it. And it reminds me to keep going because every day is a new one and like a flower we change throughout the year. But that's okay because even at their worst flowers are still beautiful in their own way. Just like all of us.

I admire the pieces of artwork before paying for both of them at once. When that's sorted I head back to Elias and sit in the seat pulled up for me. I don't doubt that is the result of his asking but I don't mind either, even as he clutches onto my hand like it's a stress ball.
"How many are you getting?" His brown eyes find mine. "Three"
"Three?" He nods and I shake my head.

"You've never said you wanted one and now you're getting three" I can't help but chuckle at him. What goes through his head? I'll never know. "You inspired me"
"Oh no you don't. I want nothing to do with this especially if your mom asks or grandma" I shiver in horror at what they might say or do to me. I'd probably be chased out of the house with a wooden spoon. "I'm a big boy, Moore, I'll fight you're battles for you" I fake swoon.

"Oh wow you really are my Prince Charming" he manages to wink at me. "You know it baby" I chuckle softly, smiling as I reach down to brush some hair out of his face. "I haven't said it yet but thank you for staying at the hospital with me. It was nice to have you there when I woke up" he smiles through a wince.
"The nurse tried to kick me out you know, said I wasn't family but gave up when I just kept staring at you. Willing you to wake up" i hum, that sounds like something he would do.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"
"Because you know me too well" that I do.
"Wait so what have you been doing about school?" He squeezes my hand tighter before gritting out. "Had the teachers send it to me on my laptop" oh good.
"What about practice?"
"I still went and drove straight back afterwards" sounds like a lot of work.

"I can't believe you did all that when we weren't even together" he scoffs. "We never broke up"
"Oh really? This is news to me. Did you just decide this now or.." i humour him and he shakes his head. "Did you go near any guy during the time we were apart?" I frown.
"I didn't even look at one that wasn't you" he hums amusedly. "See, it was the same for me, no girl existed other than you. I wouldn't really call that breaking up would you?" His eyes find mine again and I half smile.

"You're right, we aren't so good at the moving on part are we?" I lean my elbows on his seat and hold his hand in between both of mine.
"Nope, and we never will because we were meant to be. I'm telling you Moore, you're the second half of the greatest love story I'll ever be apart of. So get comfy cause we are in it for the long haul" i laugh light heartedly. "Will there be snacks on this journey? If not we'll have to cut it short" he looks at me like I just offended his entire bloodline.

"What kind of journey would it be with m&ms"
"A shitty one"
"Exactly" he agrees animatedly making me grin.
"And there will be hot chocolate and fluffy socks and we'd probably have to take four cars to fit everyone in" I nod along until the last part.
"Who have you invited along?"
"Oh I didn't invite anyone they invited themselves" now I'm even more interested.
"Who is they?"
"All of the kids and the grown kids-that we call friends" oh of course.

Falling for the unloveable Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz