Chapter 0: The Birth of Jackarot

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(I know this was the year bulma and Vegeta didn't meat up but my story is told different basically the sayian saga goes as normal but Vegeta decides to stay on earth because bulma saw him and took him in after a few months Vegeta fell in love with bulma and then they got married, also you can have your own imagination on what year and character you can have in the chapters and you can pick how you dress awell. Also big shout out to BSGNetwork the creator of Caulifla X Y/N Book which you'll find on his Profile and what inspired me to create my own story thank you BSGNetwork now Without further a do, let's begin)

Age 762

Bulma : Awww, Isn't he cute?

Bulma and Vegeta stared at their new baby, wrapped up in a blanket, the baby had the brown eyes and hair both confused, because of them not having brown coloured eyes and hair, and originally Sayians hair was supposed to be black, but they were soon looking back at there baby, he was fast asleep

Vegeta: I don't know why he has to stay asleep, can you just get up? You're a Sayian My Son!

Bulma: Because he's a baby, Vegeta!

Bulma playfully punched Vegeta on the shoulder.

Bulma:  What're we gonna name him?

Vegeta looked at his child, who rolled over in his wifes Arms

Bulma: I'm thinking Einstein


Bulma: So what? I think it fits him! Do you have any better ideas "Prince"?!

Vegeta simply looked at the boy, he thinked of many names some more bad, some worse eventually he couldn't think of one.

Vegeta: *groans*

Bulma Thinks to Herself and thinks

Bulma: my parents told me that when they would had a son, they would name him Jack but I don't know it seems a bit too short?

Bulma thinks and then a thought came to a mind

Bulma: Hey Vegeta... What's the name you gave Goku?

Vegeta looks back, all confused, and then speaks

Vegeta: You mean Kakarot That name is his birthright, his parents named him on Planet Vegeta I don't know why you call him Goku? So what, why do you care women?

Bulma figures out a name now!

Bulma: THATS IT!!!

Vegeta Looking so confused

Vegeta: What's what??

Bulma: my parents always wanted to have a boy, but they had me and my sister and if they did have a boy they would Name him Jack, but since it was too short, I had an idea, since you and Goku are so close friends we'll call him... JACKAROT!!

Vegeta stables back in shock


Bulma: Well either that or it's Einstein, Your Choice! Besides I thought you two were best pals?!

Vegeta groans and mumbles eventually he gives up trying to argue with bulma

Vegeta: Fine! Call him all you want, but I will train him every inch of his life even if it depends on it, I want him to be stronger, even further then Kakarot and even me someday, but Don't come yelling at me If I hurt him or you see him in bruises.

Vegeta walks away

Bulma looks down to see his son opening his eyes he laughs and Bulma laughs

Bulma: I know one day, you will grow up to be very strong like your father and I don't want you to miss a day with your dad...
Jackarot Briefs.

AGE 761

Bulma sat at the desk with one year old Jackarot, teaching him several different Numbers and Words far too complex for a literal Baby (Sometimes). Later on Jackarot was laying not too far away, playing with the toys provided to him, he then heard a noises screaming and cracking sounds, he then followed what the sound and noises was coming from, he crawled through Capsule Corp's Halls that eventually took him to the gravity chamber where Vegeta was in, luckily the gravity wasn't on while Jackarot crawled in, looking at his father doing push-ups, Sit-ups and punching the air repeatedly, he then was really interested, what his father was doing, and that's how it started.

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