Healing friendships

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"Why didn't you tell us what he was doing to you?" Malcolm is playing interrogator as all of the kids have gone to the park across the road to play with Diego. That took a lot of convincing because Diego was terrified I'd go back to sleep and not wake up and Lu was not much help. He didn't want to leave either. "I couldn't, he'd hurt my sisters if I did and even if we all did get out of the house we would only end up in foster care. I knew the girls could have a better life at home as long as I could take the hits for them. Which I did" I'm proud to say he never laid a hand on either one of them.

"But how could we not have known" I shrug with a miserable smile. "People don't look for what they don't want to find and besides I got good at making excuses and lies" I look around at the frowns in place before my phone pings and I check the notification.
Lucy: I'm outside, on my way up to your room now x
That's a whole other issue I've got to address.

"if you told us we would've helped" Mal speaks to me. "I know you would thats why I couldn't tell you, I knew you wouldn't be able to watch me suffer and would try to help in some way" she nods like she agrees.
"So what are you going to do now?"
"She's coming back to my place until we figure out a permanent solution" Elias jumps in for the first time because he's been letting me deal and explain it all my own way.

"I'm surprised you've not made that the permanent solution" Aidan laughs at my boyfriend, "oh he has tried" I shake my head amusedly, looking up at newbie who nods proudly. "Damn right I did" our friends laugh.
"Yeah and you also proposed again in the same moment so I'm sorry if I didn't take the offer too seriously" he frowns only slightly.
"You should have, I meant both questions with the upmost seriousness" i hum, tapping his chest lightly. "Of course you did"
"I did!"
"Thats the problem" i laugh and he pouts.

"I'm barely eighteen, we cannot get married" I can't imagine how Mrs Jones would react to her only son getting married at the ripe age of eighteen when he's not even out of high school yet. I think she'd have a heart attack.
"Barely? It's been your birthday?" I go to answer but another voice says it before me.
"4th of January right?" All gazes travel to Lucy who stands in the doorway, a nervous smile blossoming across her face. She's got her sunglasses on as always.

"Right" I nod with a small smile of my own as she takes that as a cue to enter. "I got you these" she holds out pink carnations.
"Thank you" I tell her as she sets them down on my side table. "Are you okay?"
"Obviously not" Mal mumbles but it's loud enough for everyone to hear and Lucy's cheeks tinge pink.

"I'm okay" I say before turning to glare at Mal who only rolls her eyes. "But we really need to talk" she looks alarmed like she's done something wrong and I curse myself mentally. I've really fucked this girl up. "It's nothing bad I promise but why don't we walk down to the vending machine, I haven't got up all day" I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, my face scrunching as pain radiates from my right knee.

I fucked it up yesterday when I got up to go to the toilet and hit the floor like a bag of bricks. It hurt a fuck ton. "Moore you can't walk" I wave Elias off and attempt to stand on my own. I manage to do it for a couple seconds before my knee spasms and Lucy has to catch me quickly.
"Stubborn as always" I hear him say under his breath before i'm lifted into his arms. "I hate when you're right" I mutter and he smirks.

"I know but one day you'll have to get used to it" I huff out a laugh. "Oh please you're not right that often babe" he shrugs with a smile before lowering me into something-a wheel chair he's put me in a wheelchair.
"I do not need a wheelchair" I refute but that only makes him look down at me with a raised brow and his hands on his hips. "Please then by all means walk on your own" he extends his arm out and I narrow my eyes at him.

Falling for the unloveable Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum