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I held my mic up ready to intervene.

The girl looked at her, then at her dude and they both started smiling as I saw the girl gestured toward her, telling her to come forward.

"Hold me up, hold me up, now"

She said as she placed one foot on the dude's right shoulder and her other on the girl's left shoulder.

She started grinding again as both their faces disappeared between her thighs.

That's when I came to the edge of the stage behind the runway part.

Now im nervous.

I watched on as I heard Joe

"Whoa, hold on, now!"

I turned to face him briefly, whoa is right my nigga.

As we watched on in disbelief, she semi screamed as she hopped off of them.

That's when I and Joe hopped into action. I knew in a matter of seconds 10 would be right behind us because I heard the music scratch before it turned off.

I got to her before Joe could and I held her behind me. I looked at the crowd surrounding the runway before turning to her.

I whispered in her ear and asked her what happened because she was holding her hands over her area and almost between her thighs. When I looked up at her face I could feel Three, 10, and Joe leaning over my shoulder trying to peek at her face, too.

She looked over my shoulder and that caused us to look, too. But I kept my eyes on her.

She smiled as she held up two fingers.

"I felt two warm tongues. " she managed to get out before doubling over into laughter.

I heard Joe laughing behind me as 10 was still hyped, haven't heard her.

Three rubbed her back as he smiled.

I held her sideways as she laid on my chest, watching the crowd.

The couple was smiling in her direction when I noticed it, I looked at her and she was just smiling back.

She released her grasp around my torso, walking back to the edge.

I tried grabbing her shirt to pull her back from going over there.

But she smiled at me, taking my mic from me as Joe had taken hers when she screamed.

She stood next to 10, placing her hand on his left shoulder, he calmed down when he saw it was her and she was smiling at him.

"I'm running down they mouth. "

She pointed at the couple.

10 smiled as he imitated the beat from earlier.

She kept pointing as she said

"I call'em womb raiders."

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