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When minho opened the door to his and jisungs room, he saw jisung laying on the bed while staring at the ceiling. Jisung wasn't moving or blinking. He didn't even notice that minho came inside.

While looking at jisung minho felt really guilty, knowing that it was his fault.

Minho then made his way towards jisung and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Hi, cutie," minho said with a slight smile.

"Hello," jisung replied while turning away from minho, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Minho frowned at jisungs action but also didn't want to give up, so he laid next to him and put his hands around jisungs waist.

"What are you doing?" Jisung asked, irritated.

"Hugging you," minho replied.


"No reason."

After a few minutes of silence, minho decided to speak. "I have a surprise for you tomorrow."

"What is it?" Jisung asked, genurely curious.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out," minhos said, smiling.

"Meanie!" jisung huffed in annoyance.

Minho just chuckled at jisungs behavior when he noticed that jisung looked extremely tired.

"Have you not slept well lately?" Minho asked.

"No, not really. I can't fall asleep alone. Usually, one of my friends stays with me until I fall asleep, " jisung said while awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You should sleep now." Minho said, feeling even more guilty.

"Don't be sorry. You didn't know." Jisung said while giving minho a small smile.

"Okay, now sleep."

"K." After jisung closed his eyes, minho pulled jisung even closer and gave jisung a peck on his forehead, and cheek. Jisung was really glad that minho coulnd't really see his face because of the darkness in the room. Otherwise, minho would have seen that jisungs face looked like a tomato.

"Goodnight, cutie."


Double update🥳

I already had this written and wanted to publish it before I change everything again.


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