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after, what felt like an eternity for jisung, chan finally arrived and jisung immediately run towards him and gave him a bonebreaking hug.

"channie hyung i missed you thanks for getting me" he said while tears starting to escape his eyes.

"hi ji i missed you too" chan said while returning the hug "come one lets get you back"

"wait what if there is some kind of tracker on me or a camera. it would be possible since i was knocked out for quit a while." ji said while starting to panic, not wanting to give away one of his friends.

"don't worry ji we can check in the car later but fot now we need to get away from this place or skz will find us.


"lets get going, in the back are weapons incase they find us and i'm gonna wear my mask so there is no risk that they could figure out my identity, so don't worry"

while chan and jisung where getting into the car he suddenly heard two voices having a tense conversation. after listening for a whil jisung reconized one of the two voices as minhos.

"shit chan, minho and someone else are here"

"fuck! we don't have time to drive away, get two guns out of the car. i have a feeling that we're gonna need them" after chan said that jisung got two gus out of the car and handed chan one. shortly after two people came around the corner.

"see who we have here" minho chuckled darkly " han jisung and his friend cb97, if you're with him you must be jone am i right?" he added.

jisung gulped knowing that, now minho knew about his identity, it would be much harder to hide himself.

"so, i have a offer for you" minho said "if you come with me and hyunjin now without any drama i lat that cb-guy live, how does that sound?"

when jisung was just about to agree chan cut in. " only over my dead body"

"with pleasure"

the narrow street stood silent, an ominous prelude to the impending clash. jisung and chan faced off against hyunjin and minho, the air thick with tension as the city's usual bustle seemed to fade into the shadows.

the flickering streetlights cast an eerie glow on the quartet, each figure poised for the impending confrontation. jisung locked eyes with minho, a silent acknowledgment of the bitter history that fueled their rivalry. chan mirrored the sentiment as he faced off against hyunjin, the anticipation electrifying the air.

the first move came from jisung, his hand swiftly drawing a gun from the concealed holster. minho mirrored the action, the metallic click of weapons arming punctuating the silence. the street, devoid of onlookers, transformed into an arena for their volatile encounter.

jisung's eyes remained locked on minho, knowing that he had to fight with everything he has if he want's to save his dear friends life, as he advanced cautiously, each step a measured approach. the tension escalated with every passing moment, the city around them a mere backdrop to the duel unfolding on the dimly lit street.

the exchange of gunfire echoed through the narrow confines of the street, each shot a calculated move in the chess game of their confrontation. bullets whizzed through the air, striking the walls and pavement with sharp cracks.

chan and hyunjin engaged in their own dance of evasion and retaliation, their movements a symphony of calculated strategy. as they circled each other, their focus remained locked on the adversary before them.

meanwhile, jisung and minho engaged in a close-quarters struggle, the clang of metal against metal marking the intensity of their confrontation. minho, surprisingly careful not to cause serious harm, maneuvered with a grace that betrayed his intention to incapacitate rather than injure.

in the midst of the scuffle, minho's taunts and flirtatious remarks cut through the chaos. "what's the rush, baby?", "you're cute when you're all worked up," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. jisung, fueled by a mix of frustration and determination but also a feeling he just couln't put a finger on, retaliated with swift precision.

the exchange continued, a dance of aggression and evasion that seemed to defy the laws of their shared history. minho, despite the fierce rivalry, couldn't resist the temptation to flirt with jisung even in the heat of battle.

"you're a feisty one, cutie. but you know i won't go easy on you," minho chuckled, his words punctuated by the sharp cracks of gunfire.

jisung, equally defiant, shot back with a glare that betrayed the frustration beneath. he two adversaries, locked in a dance of bullets, seemed to transcend the immediate conflict. their rivalry had taken on a peculiar dynamic, a struggle that went beyond the physical.

as the confrontation reached its climax, a sudden scuffle between chan and hyunjin drew the attention of all four combatants. the street became a chaotic battleground, with bullets flying and bodies twisting in a complex ballet of combat.

in the midst of the chaos, jisung and minho found themselves momentarily separated. the standoff, both physical and psychological, lingered as they caught their breaths. the dim streetlights cast long shadows, emphasizing the bruised determination on their faces.

hyunjin and chan, despite the intensity of their engagement, reached a silent agreement. the conflict, a brutal ballet, seemed to reach a natural pause. the quartet stood at a distance, their gazes locked in a silent acknowledgment of the inevitable truth—they were evenly matched.

as the echoes of gunfire faded into the night, the quartet found themselves standing in the same positions as when the confrontation began. the street, once a stage for their bitter rivalry, now held the scars of a conflict that had left no victor.

"alright enough of this" minho said smirking " i already informed some of our men to come here so we just need to keep you here until they come"

"is the offer from the beginning still intact?" jisung said quietly "will you let him live if i go with you"

"yes but only if you friend doesn't try anything funny" minho reciprocated.

"hyung please just go i don't want you to die" jisung whisperd to chan.

"alright" chan didn't wan't to leave jisung with minho but he knew that if he want's to get jisung out of there he needs to be alive " but i'll come and get you sooner or later"

thanks for over 250 reads its a huge motivation to continue writing.

so, im currently thinking if i should add some pov's of different characters.
what do you think about that?

should i write less fighting scenes? i write them almost every chapter so it could get boring. 

don't forget to vote
thank u :)


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