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Once jisung woke up he felt a huge pain in his jaw and when he tried to move he found himself chaiden against a pillar unable to move his arms. while jisung loocked at his surroundings, a dark and big room having nothing but the pillar he was chainded agianst inside, he rememberd how he got here and got angry at himself for letting minho's words distract him. after a while a tall silver haired guy came inside.

 "hi, i'm here to give you some food. can't have you starving you know."

"i'm not hungry"

"come on. i don't want to force you"

"fine but atleast untie my hands. i don't want you to feed me."

"nope,  can't do that you just gonna try and escape"

"what, you think you coulnd't handle me? sorry i think i overestimatet you, but how are you in the mafia when you can't even deal with someone like me?"

"fine i untie you but don't try shit okay?"


the guy then untied him and handed him a plate of salad. jisung just silently ate while the guy stood next to him. when the guy turned away for a second because he heard a noise from upstairs jisung got up and smashed the plate on the back of his head, hitting him unconcious.


short chapter again :'( 



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